How To Make A Kiddie Pool At The Beach Using A Cheap Plastic Shower Curtain

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In Lieu of Preschool

Beach trips are the best, especially with the kiddos! However, if you have youngsters, the chopping and unpredictable ocean can be a bit of a scare, not only for you but for your little ones. So, with this genius idea brought to us by the blog In Lieu of Preschool, there is an awesome solution to keeping the kids cool and having fun right in the sand!

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:


  • Shower curtain liner
  • Buckets
  • Shovel(s)


  1. Start by digging a hole in the sand. Make sure it’s large enough so that the kids have room to play!

In Lieu of Preschool


Put in the shower liner, making sure it’s flat against the bottom of the hole. Bury the edges of the liner in the sand to keep it in place. 


In Lieu of Preschool


Use the buckets to get ocean water and fill the pool.


In Lieu of Preschool


Have fun!


In Lieu of Preschool

Such a simple idea! What a really brilliant way to keep the kids safe and happy AND ensure a relaxing beach day for you.

If you want to take this clever hack to the next level, follow the lead of this bloggers’ husband; he took their original idea and upgraded it when they went to the beach the next day.

Here’s how he made this DIY even better.

Alternate Instructions

  1. Dig an oval hole with a flat bottom roughly 2′ x 3′.  Make sure your shower curtain liner will fit in the hole with plenty of overlap on all sides.
  2. After your hole is dug, dig a trench about 4″ away from the edge of the hole all the way around, creating a crown.
  3. Center your plastic shower curtain over the hole, and begin to put a little water into the hole to help the curtain start taking the contour of the pool.
  4. Now that you have the shower curtain positioned and lining the bottom contour of the pool, the edges of the curtain should be wrapping over the crown and in the trench that you dug (if you cross stitch, this is kind of like anchoring your canvas between the two hoops).  With the edges of the plastic in the trench, fill it in with sand.  Walk around a bit to pack it down.
  5. Fill the pool with water and have fun!

In Lieu of Preschool