Fifth Grade Kid Asks Police For Help On His Homework And Their Response Was Awesome!

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Here is the exchange:

Lena | “Well I don’t understand (8+29)x15.”

Officer | “Do the numbers in the parenthesis first so in essence it would be 37 x 15,” 

Lena |  “Ok now if I had this (90+27) + (29+15) x 2. Which one would I do first?”

Officer | “Take the answer from the first parenthesis plus the answer from the second parenthesis and multiply that answer times two.” “Work left to right doing the work inside the parenthesis first.”

“Order of operations… PEMDAS! (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication & Division, Addition and Subtraction). For future reference,” one Facebook user said.

Lena’s mother was very impressed and her Facebook post about the interaction has started to go viral. 

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