Here’s What To Do If Someone Is Drowning

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Swimming season is in full swing and most of us spend those hot and humid days by a body of water. No matter how experienced of a swimmer you are, or  your children are, accidents can happen.

Between 1999 and 2010, over 46,000 people died from downing in the U.S. (that’s ten per day) according to a CDC report. Children under the age of five are at the highest risk — they accounted for about 3 per 100,000 drowning deaths in 2010.

With these stats in mind, Jeff Rossen, host of the new series “Rossen Reports: Save My Life,” consulted certified lifeguard Jeff Thompson for advice:

 – Healthy Living Writer at The Huffington Post

First, it’s important to know how to spot someone who’s drowning? Their feet usually look like they’re climbing up stairs, according to Thompson, and their arms are going up and down in the water — they’re not screaming for help. As Thompson puts it, “all the action is occurring under water. There’s no splashing to be heard.”

If you see someone drowning, scream for someone to call 911. Do not jump in the pool with them — this could lead to them pulling you under as well — then use your arm or a pool skimmer to pull them toward you, grab them by the wrists and pull them up and out of the water.

If they’ve stopped breathing, roll them over and start CPR. Although the most commonly seen form of CPR is mouth-to-mouth, this isn’t necessary. Instead, do about 100 chest compressions per minute.

Information brought to you by HuffPost