Meth Lab Found Underneath Walmart Parking Lot

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Customers watched as police lifted a man hole cover in the middle of a Walmart parking lot and started to gather evidence from a meth lab hidden down under.

A suspected meth lab was uncovered in the heart of Amherst, N.Y. Police believe a culvert is how the suspect or suspects got underground, WKBW-TV reports.

All of it was happening in a very busy section; the suspected meth lab was found underneath a Walmart.

Covered head to toe in protective gear, members of the state police hazmat team descended into a manhole, busting what they call a suspected underground meth lab.

One by one, police reeled in buckets of evidence, including pop bottles, suspected methamphedamine, spray paint cans and other meth-making materials.

But perhaps the most shocking twist of all is where police say the meth was being made – underground in the parking lot a Walmart. Police say the suspects entered through an underground drain culvert, which is on the side of the Walmart on Sheridan Drive.

“There’s a lot of tunnels down there that could travel through all of this, so that’s all we need is to go boom!” she said.

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