Mom Creates Self-Love Exercise For Daughter After Being Bullied Because Of Her Skin Color

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An 8-year-old’s cruel encounter with her classmates on the school bus has transformed into a movement about empowerment and is helping women all over the country feel more confident about their differences. Charleigh was being bullied for having darker skin and when she called her mother crying because she couldn’t stand the teasing, Alexandra Elle wanted to show her that she had nothing to be ashamed of and that she should love the skin that she was born with.

Elle works with adults and often creates self-love exercises for them to follow. She knew that creating a mantra for her daughter wouldn’t solve all of her problems, but she was confident that it would help. She wrote positive adjectives on sticky notes and attached them to her daughter’s mirror to read daily.


Every morning Charleigh faces the mirror and says:

“I am beautiful and black. I am smart. I am funny. I am vibrant. I am kind. I am honest. I am helpful. I am graceful. I am nice. I am proud to be brown. I am magical, unbreakable and confident.”


Elle posted her story and solution on social media and it has since started to go viral.



Although Elle’s solution will probably not take away the bullying, it will give her daughter the foundation she needs to be strong and understand that self love is all she needs.



Watch the video below:



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