Nanny Tackles Woman Trying To Steal Packages From Front Porch

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nanny tackles woman package thief

In Washington State, a surveillance video caught what at first looked like an ordinary package theft, but then a nanny took matters into her own hands.

Kate Anderson is the nanny for a 1-year-old and apparently she also doubles as a ninja.

On Tuesday, a video showed a household receiving an Amazon delivery around 10:45 a.m. Ten minutes later, a house surveillance camera caught a car rolling up. And out the window, Kate saw a woman approaching the package.

“I saw her bending and picking it up, and they get a lot of packages. And I knew. I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, she’s taking that,’ so I just took off after her, to be honest,” Anderson said.

The camera caught an incredible sequence of events. As the woman attempts to get back into the car, the vehicle speeds away and she falls onto the sidewalk at the end of the driveway.

When the woman tried to get up and flee, Anderson pulls the woman to the ground.

Anderson kept restraining the suspect and shouted to someone walking by.

“Call the police, she just stole something from my house!”