10 Signs Telling You Should Let Go Of What You Have And Move On

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The idea of letting go can be uber scary. When two people have intense emotional ties, it can make moving on a very hard decision…even when we know that we are not in a good place.

With that said, it is important to listen to yourself, your body, mind and heart. Sometimes it is best to accept, deal with it and move on. If you don’t, your situation could end up even worse as you may become bitter, upset and angry. Not just towards your partner, but throughout your everyday life.

Here are ten signs telling you to let go…

1. You’re Changing Into Someone You’re Not

Our personal values and goals and dreams define who we are as people. If you think that these things are changing for the worse, it may be that your job/partner/friend/family are trying to make you be someone you’re not. If this happens, it is time to move on – you will never be happy pretending to be someone else.

2. Your Dreams Are Getting Harder To Achieve

Your dream once seemed achievable, but now you think that it would be impossible to achieve them – or that it would be a waste of your time. If you feel this way, it means you need to take action by putting your dreams first again.

3. You’re Faking Happiness

If you feel like you have to fake a smile every day, it may be because you feel like you need to hide your true self. Let go of anything that makes you feel this way, as it clearly brings you down and lowers the quality of your life.

4. You Are Exhausted

You feel tired every day, partially because your work or the people in your life are draining your energy. If you can relate to this, find the thing that is draining your energy so you can cut it out of your life and move on.

5. You Feel Isolated

If you constantly feel misunderstood and alone, it is probably time to surround yourself with a new group of people. If people value you, they will try to make you feel important and they will accept you for who you are.

6. You Feel Bored

When you wake up you don’t feel excited for the day ahead. You mostly feel bored and resentful, as you think the day won’t go well.

7. You Don’t Feel Appreciated

You feel like you’re being taken for granted, as people expect things from you but they don’t thank you or congratulate you. If you have people in your life who don’t respect you, cut them out of your life so that you can find friends who will treat you well.

8. You Are Constantly Making Sacrifices

People always expect you to give up your time, energy and money, but they don’t return the favor. You experience all of the pain and anxiety, but the other person is unwilling to do the same.

9. You Make Excuses For Others

You justify the behavior of others because you are scared of letting go and moving on. You say things like;

“He wasn’t being insensitive; he just had a tough day.”

“She has a short temper and I’m more relaxed, so I don’t mind dealing with her temper.”

10. You Repeatedly “Try To Make It Work” Even Though You Should Let Go

You tried over and over again to make the situation more bearable for you, but with little to no success. It is time to let go and move on.


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