19 Ways To Remove A Hickey

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Place a Pineapple Piece on the Hickey

Source: https://www.jessicagavin.com

The pineapple fruit is known to be rich with a type of enzyme referred to as bromelain. Bromelain is typically used for the reduction of pain, inflammation, and soreness that may have been caused by an injury. To take advantage of the benefits of the pineapple is a simple matter. Just cut a pineapple open, and take a slice of pineapple or a small piece of it and then apply it directly on the affected spot. This can be done several times a day. But take note that the pineapple is an acidic fruit, and may cause irritation to your neck (where most hickeys occur). So, before applying it on the entire affected area, it would be best to take a small piece of it and place it on your arm for a couple of minutes and watch for signs of irritation. If there are no adverse reactions, you may then proceed to use it on your hickey.