19 Ways To Remove A Hickey

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Use Arnica Cream on Your Hickey

Source: https://www.drweil.com

Arnica is a perennial herbaceous plant, that is part of the sunflower family. It is a herb that grows in Siberia and central Europe, and in other temperate climates in North America. The flowers of the arnica plant are used in medicine. It is commonly used to alleviate the pain caused by osteoarthritis, sore throat, surgery, and other conditions. There is a research paper (titled: “The Management of Bruising following Nonsurgical Cosmetic Treatment”) published by Dr. Martyn King, MD, and published on the 1st of February 2017 that mentioned the use of arnica and Vitamin K creams to reduce bruising after a surgery. It is therefore not far off to think that arnica cream can be used to speed up the healing of a hickey, since a hickey is basically just a bruise. The arnica cream has active chemicals that may reduce swelling, decrease pain, and act as antibiotics. So, why not go to the nearest pharmacy and get a tube of arnica cream to help make that hickey fade away.