19 Ways To Remove A Hickey

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The Guaranteed Way to Get Rid of a Hickey.

Source: https://www.crosswalk.com

As we have discussed, there are a lot of different remedies available to help make a hickey heal faster. From using topical creams, cold compress, to placing fruit on your hickey. However, none of these will miraculously remove your hickey. The only sure-fire way to remove a hickey is to give it some time and let it heal on its own.
There is no need to stress when you do get a hickey, especially if you got it from someone you have a committed relationship with. But some people are just not that comfortable to let the public see proof of that passionate night with a special someone. If you are not prepared to flaunt it or to cover it up for around two weeks. In this case, the guaranteed way to get rid of a hickey is to not get a hickey in the first place.