2019’s 29 Worst States for Retirement

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Saving up for retirement literally takes a lifetime, therefore, knowing how and where to spend that hard-earned money during the golden years must be taken seriously. Choosing the right place to settle-in after all the back-breaking hours put-in, could mean the difference between making retirement a dream, or making it a nightmare.
Many of us already have an idea of when to throw-in the towel. However, only a few of us really give much thought to where we would like to settle after we retire. Some of us actively consider moving, and some of us passively decide to stay in our home states. For those of us who decide to stay, do we really give enough thought as to whether that decision is the best for us? Or are some places much better for retiring than others?
You’ll be surprised that living conditions differ between those who still work and those who are retired. The shift in priorities for retirees can make places that they once considered great to live in, hell to retire in. This is because retirees have certain considerations that have to be met, such as the affordability of living expenses, the weight of taxes, healthcare costs, etc. in order for them to make the most out of their nest egg.
To help you figure out whether you should stay or not, we have gathered 30 of the worst states in the USA to retire in. This way, you’ll know which of the states to avoid when choosing a place to move to for retirement. You may also use the list to help you decide whether or not you should pack your things and go.
Here are 29 Worst States to Retire in for 2019: