30 Things You Should Never Do In New York

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Don’t Stand On The Left Hand-Side Of An Escalator

Source: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/

The “Slower Traffic Keep Right” sign is not just for drivers on the road but for the walking public, too. It’s applicable to sidewalks and doubly so for escalators where it’s a common rule to stand on the right and walk on the left. There are even “Stand to the Right” signs on escalators to remind and encourage pedestrians to follow. Again, don’t be a pain in the neck just because you are a tourist. Know the walking etiquette and remember that the left side of the escalator is for those in a rush to walk past you. Apply this simple rule to avoid the discomfort of people bumping into you and make it less frustrating for those who want to get to their destination faster. Show a little consideration and respect and stand or walk on the right side. Staying on the left side blocks anyone behind you from moving past you, and you will get scolded or worse, shoved out of the way.