A Simple Firewood Chart To Help You Store And Burn!

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Wood is an excellent source of heat, a lot of work…but burning wood can save you a ton of money if you live in area where winters are cold and crisp. 

I personally use wood to heat my home during the winter and it certainly took me a few years to really understand know what I was doing in regards to splitting, storing and burning certain types of wood. 

If you are fairly new to wood burning, here is an excellent chart that we came across to help you identify which types of wood are easiest to cut, how long they last and how hot they burn! 

I did find out the hard way which types of wood burns hottest. Take it from me…if your home is nice and toasty already and you want to maintain the fire…don’t load up your wood stove with oak…because your house will literally become 90+ degrees…in a hurry! 

Feel the burn and stay warm my friends!


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