Antidepressant Microbes In Soil: How Soil Makes Your Brain Happy

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Soil microbes have been found to have similar effects on the brain as the anti-depressant drug prozac, without the negative side effects and potential for chemical dependency and withdrawal.

As it turns out, getting down and dirty in the garden is great for your mental health! The soil is a natural antidepressant due to the unique microbes found in healthy, organic soil. Therefore, working in or playing in soil will make you happier and healthier!

Those who have gardened or farmed over the years have often said how great they feel after a day’s work, getting their hands dirty in the soil. Those statements and claims are now verified by science. Feeling like your garden or farm is your ‘happy place’ is no coincidence.

The soil microbe mycobacterium vaccae has been found to mirror the effect on neurons in the brain that drugs like Prozac can provide, but without nasty side effects.

The way it works is the “happy” microbes in soil cause cytokine levels to rise, which leads to the production of more serotonin.

This bacterium is found in healthy soil and when humans are exposed to it, the microbe stimulates serotonin production in the brain. Serotonin makes us feel relaxed and happier.

To the opposite, a lack of serotonin causes depression, anxiety, OCD, and bipolar disorders.

Studies conducted on cancer patients has shown that patients who were given mycobacterium vaccae had a better quality of life and less stress. Scientists also tested the microbe via injection and ingestion on rats and compared results to a control group. They found that cognitive ability, lower stress, and better concentration were notable benefits that lasted 3 weeks time.

Mycobacterium antidepressant microbes in soil are also being closely looked at for improving cognitive function, Crohn’s disease, and even rheumatoid arthritis.

Farmers and gardeners come in contact with this bacterium by having topical contact with it, inhaling it, and getting it into their bloodstreams when they have small cuts or other pathways for infection.

So while the physical act of gardening may reduce stress and lift moods in and of itself, it is absolutely amazing to know there is some science to prove it!