Are There Any Risks To Wheatgrass?

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Wheatgrass is a miracle substance which has been widely hailed as a superfood in recent years. It offers a range of benefits from the ability to fight cancer to amazing anti-inflammatory properties and is a staple ingredient in many fitness and health products currently available on the market. While it is indisputable that wheatgrass has several positive benefits, it is important to remember that everything comes with risks and side effects. Before you race to buy the best wheatgrass juicer, make sure you read this advice to ensure you are fully aware of the risks and potential side effects of wheatgrass.



Headaches are a commonly reported side-effect after consuming wheatgrass. It may be a sign that your body has an intolerance to the substance, and a warning to consume less or cut it out altogether. If your headache persists for an extended period, it is essential to visit your doctor immediately.



Nausea can also be a  sign that you are intolerant to wheatgrass, and you should cut it from your diet, or at least significantly reduce the quantities you are consuming. Some people mistake this feeling for successful detoxification, but this is not the case; a feeling of nausea is a warning from your body which should not be ignored.




As well as intolerance, you may discover that you have an actual allergy to wheatgrass, and this is particularly prevalent when consumed in a juice or pill form. Symptoms of an allergy may include vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, cramping, hives, congestion, and shortness of breath. Remember that if you have a wheat allergy, you are likely to be allergic to wheatgrass, so stay away. While wheatgrass is usually marketed as gluten-free, there is a risk that the seeds involved in production may become contaminated with gluten, and this can spark a reaction.



Constipation is another side effect often reported from consuming wheatgrass. This will usually pass a few hours after you stop drinking the substance, but should be investigated by a medical professional if symptoms persist.


Teeth Staining

Teeth can become stained and discolored with too much wheatgrass. It is a good idea to brush your teeth immediately after drinking to prevent this.


Loss Of Appetite


For some people, wheatgrass works as an appetite suppressant, and many users report a loss of appetite after drinking or consuming wheatgrass. While this may seem a positive, it is important to keep a close eye on weight loss and make sure it is safe and sustainable.


Fatigue And Dizziness

In large quantities, undiluted wheatgrass can result in fatigue and dizziness which could put you out of action for a few hours. To help prevent this, try mixing a shot of wheatgrass with another juice.


A mild fever is also often taken to be a sign of detoxification but may be masking something more sinister. While it may show that your body is releasing toxins, it is a good idea to get any rise in temperature checked out if it persists for a few days.