Boy Names That Are Trending for 2019 and 2020

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Finding out you’re pregnant is a delight. You can expect so many changes in the next few months. Your body will undergo a transformation, and this can be daunting. But then again, there’s also so much to look forward to. You’ll have to decorate the baby’s room, buy clothes, and fill up your home with everything to make the child’s growth fun and fulfilling. Then, there’s also the task of picking out a name. This is a big deal because this will be a part of your bundle of joy’s growth. He will be carrying his name with him his whole life. There’s a lot to consider – what’s meaningful, how it sounds, and whether or not you like it. You can go for something more unique or you can opt for the tried and tested. Whatever the case may be, it helps to know what the most popular names have been.
Here’s a list of what parents have chosen for their new baby boy.