The Internet Is Loving How This Dad Handled His Teenage Son Getting In Trouble At School!

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This is Bradley “Brad” Howard…a 17-year-old from Texas.

Brad Howard

This is Brad with his dad…who is also named Brad.

Brad…and Brad

Brad had been acting up in his physics class…again! Brad’s physics teacher had made quite a few calls home in the recent past to discuss his behavior in class. 

Brad’s dad told him…if he received one more phone call from the school, that he was going to show up and sit next to his son in class. 

Well….the school called. 

dad sits with son in class

The best part about Brad Sr. showing up to class…is he never told his son. Teen Brad showed up to class…said hi to all of his friends…and then he noticed his dad sitting there!

dad sits with son in class

Brad Howard

Teen Brad’s little sister posted some proof for the world to see!

The teacher was grateful, but Brad Sr. doesn’t want to babysit his son again in the future!

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