Here Are The 4 Most Dangerous Secret Killers Lurking In Your Home

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We consider our homes to be the safest place there is, a nest we’ve built for ourselves with our own bare hands that reflects who we are and where we come from. We love showing our homes off to family members, friends, and other guests. After all, where do you think the saying “home sweet home” comes from?

But for all the splendor and warmth they provide, our homes can harbor dangerous killers just waiting for a chance to snap. Gas stoves, for example, may release enough carbon monoxide to kill us if there’s not enough ventilation in the kitchen. According to the CDC, carbon monoxide poisoning kills over 430 people annually!

But while carbon monoxide poisoning might be an obvious danger, some places and items in our home may hide away far more dangerous and far sneakier killers. For example, did you ever consider that dust or cleaning products can have a fatal outcome? On the other hand, disinfectants we use every day were linked to birth defects, while cleaning products based on bleach can lead to chronic lung disease. And even these products state the dangers associated with them on the label.

So we dig deeper to expose the most dangerous hidden killers lurking in your home just waiting for a chance to strike.

Black Mold

While most homeowners consider mold nothing more than an aesthetic issue, it can, in fact, lead to various health issues. Generally, mold only affects people allergic to it but certain strains of mold emit toxins that can seriously impact our health. That is a compelling reason to call in a mold removal company at the first unsightly sign of it.

There are over 100,000 strains of mold, and naturally, not all of them are toxic. But there are some strains that pose serious health risks such as the infamous Stachybotrys chartarum or black mold. This type of mold also affects people allergic to it but also releases mycotoxins that people can ingest through skin contact or by inhaling it.

People affected by this strain of mold exhibit various symptoms including respiratory issues, sore throat, coughing and sneezing, fatigue, headaches, nausea, red and itchy eyes, reduced concentration and even memory loss. The longer you are exposed to the toxins, the worse your condition gets. For people with immunodeficiency as well as infants and children black mold exposure can even be deadly, which is why you should have someone thoroughly eliminate the infestation from your home.

Toxic Dust

Every homeowner knows that winning the fight with dust can be a particularly difficult task since it tends to get everywhere. It finds its way to the most hidden corners of our home and settles on every surface. The worst part is that no matter how hard you try, you cannot seem to get rid of it.

But while dust is tiresome and unsightly, you probably never considered it to be toxic. However, the cleaning products we’ve already mentioned can get mixed up with the dust and cover the surface of every piece of furniture and appliance in our home. This hidden killer particularly affects children and infants who spend most of their time crawling or playing on the floor.

The best way to eliminate this risk is to completely eliminate toxic cleaning products and replace them with safe and eco-friendly products. These products are equally effective in cleaning your home, but not as nearly as dangerous.

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

There’s nothing we enjoy more than finally getting into bed after a hard day’s work. After all, who doesn’t like to curl up in a blanket or cuddle with a loved one and enjoy letting their brain rest? But your loved one may not be the only one lying in your bed at night.

If not cleaned regularly, bedware can be a home for all sorts of allergens such as fungi that can affect people with weakened immunity. Constant exposure to these types of allergens can trigger asthma attacks, especially in children. Apart from that, mattress dust contains approximately 110 dust mites per gram.

The best way to eliminate the dangers from your bedroom is to purchase hypoallergenic bed covers, pillows and mattresses and let as much fresh air in, as the levels of humidity directly affect the concentration of mites.

Antibacterial Soap

One of the most surprising entries on the list is antibacterial soaps we often use to eliminate all of the dangerous microbes mentioned above. But did you know that triclosan, often used in these soaps, has been linked to liver disease and cancer? The Food and Drug Administration has since banned these products containing triclosan and triclocarban, but they can still be found in wet wipes and hand sanitizers, as well as some brands of toothpaste.

FDA further advises that antibacterial soaps are no more effective than regular soap and water as their studies have shown. They warn that the ingredients used in antibacterial products can sometimes be more dangerous than useful. Therefore, stop using any products labeled as antibacterial and always make sure to check the ingredients for signs of triclosan and triclocarban.