Here’s How One Guy Tricked Millions Into Believing He Had Predicted The Future With A Facebook Post

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Some people will believe anything, and when Pablo Reyes posted a status on Facebook last year it had people questioning if he was some sort of clairvoyant.

A Facebook post popped in some people’s news feed dating back to December 2015 that was posted by Reyes. In the post he predicted the death of Prince, and Muhammad Ali. He also predicts the worst mass shooting in US history, and the Hillary Clinton being elected President of the United States.

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One prediction that did not come true in 2016 was the death of Donald Trump. Either way, people were wondering how Reyes made this post in 2015 for events that happened the next year.

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You may already know this about Facebook, but if not here is the trick. Pablo just edited and re-shared a status that he had posted last year, approximately 24 hours after the Orlando shooting had been reported.

Elena Cresci from the Guardian was the first to discover that Reyes was not a magician, and that he had just edited a post. You can see if you click on the little arrow in the top right of his post, and click view edit history.

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Another way to play this trick on your friends is to set a date and time on your status before you post it. Then you can adjust the time your status was supposedly ‘posted’ down to the exact minute. But chances are, if people have read this story they will know you aren’t a wizard when you try to convince people you can predict the future.

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