How 360-Degree Photography Is Driving Ecommerce

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Remote connectivity has grown exponentially in the last year, and this has caused a major influx in online shopping. Ecommerce brands have taken this shift one step further by providing high-quality product photography from all angles.

Using 360-degree product photography, consumers have a clearer idea about what they’re buying. In the past 15 years, this marketing tool has skyrocketed across nearly every commercial market.

Read on to learn how 360-degree photography is driving ecommerce.

Carousel Listings

Instead of using one panorama photo to show the features of a product, many retailers opt to use multiple images. Carousel product listings give shoppers a closer look at the item from various angles, and this method can be an effective way to highlight key features.

However, studies have shown that clicking through multiple steps can actually decrease engagement for certain industries and audiences. Sliding product descriptions and advertisements are attractive for some customers, but cumbersome and time consuming for others.

Interactive Images

There’s only so much you can learn about a product with two-dimensional images alone. Interactive images allow shoppers to manipulate the photos and videos, to see the function and details of the product they’re looking at.

For instance, if you’re buying a car you can use photo editing and manipulation tools to view the interior, exterior, and even under the hood in unprecedented detail. Using this tactic, vehicle images are more descriptive and life-like than viewing static photos of a few key areas.

 Rotating displays and interactive zoom are helpful features that can showcase finer intricacies, from fixtures to brand trademarks. Animations are also popular interactive elements that can boost brand engagement, and keep shoppers on the page for a few seconds longer.

Video Ads and Product Displays

Video is the most popular form of media on the digital market today, so it’s no surprise why leading brands are taking advantage of this trend for their online product listings.

Length isn’t as important for video marketing as imagery, and each listing doesn’t need to exceed a few seconds to effectively improve your brand’s conversion rates.

Video marketing is also ideal for selling on social media, and this form of ecommerce is booming among major platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. This is also a helpful way to direct customers to a brand’s website and can be a great way to build brand recognition and loyalty.

As more and more Americans head to online platforms to make everyday purchases, retail brands have to come up with new ways to attract and retain their target consumers. Using 360-product photography, the transaction is simplified for both buyers and sellers.

Consumer goods, food, entertainment, and vehicle images can be easily upgraded using 360-degree product photography to drive ecommerce.