5 Ways Dogs And Cats Communicate With Humans

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Sometimes it is just hard to find out what is your #dog or #cat trying to tell you? Here we look at five ways our pets try to communicate with us through various means.

Knowing what our pet(s) is trying to tell us is half the battle! Once you know the signs and various forms of communication, you are able to enjoy your furry family member that much more!



Overall, a low pitch indicates a more dominant or threatening stance, whereas a high pitch conveys just the opposite — insecurity and fear. A dog whose pitch or vocalization varies is emotionally conflicted. Unsure and unable to properly interpret a situation, this dog needs a lot of direction and interference to feel secure.



The all-purpose “meow” can be a greeting, a command, an objection, or an announcement, like “Here’s your mouse!” Chirps and trills are how a mother cat tells her kittens to follow her, and if you have more than one cat, they will often converse with each other this way. (If your kitty chirps at you, she may want to lead you somewhere—probably to her food bowl.) Chattering is the strange noise your cat makes when she’s sitting at the window watching birds or squirrels. Her rumbling purr is usually a sign of contentment, but she may sometimes purr when she’s anxious or sick as a way to comfort herself, like a child sucking his thumb.

Growling, hissing, and spitting indicate that your cat is annoyed, frightened, angry, or defensive. The yowl or howl is a long, drawn-out meow with a few possible meanings: your cat is scared, in pain, looking for a mate, or has captured prey.



Watch which way your dog’s tail wags. A wag that goes to the right corresponds with positive emotions, a wag to the left with negative emotions.

A slight wag, with each swing of only small breadth, is usually seen during greetings as a tentative, “Hello there,” or a hopeful “I’m here.”

● A broad wag is friendly: “I am not challenging or threatening you.” This can also mean: “I’m pleased.” This is the closest to the popular concept of the happiness wag, especially if the tail seems to drag the hips with it.

● A slow wag with the tail at half-mast is less social than most other tail signals. Generally speaking, slow wags with the tail in neither a particularly dominant (high) nor a submissive (low) position are signs of insecurity.

● Tiny, high-speed movements that give the impression of the tail vibrating are signs the dog is about to do something, usually run or fight. If the tail is held high while vibrating, it is most likely an active threat.



When a cat blinks at you, it means it trusts you. Blink back to show that you mean it no harm.

Cats find direct eye contact threatening, and it makes them self conscious. They don’t tend to stare at anything directly themselves, unless they are ready to attack, as they have great peripheral vision. Rival cats will outstare each other to resolve conflicts.

Slowly blinking is a reassuring signal between cats and between an owner and his or her cat. By slowly blinking you are telling them you are not a threat and are showing you care.



When your cat flattens out its ears, moves its tail back and forth like a cobra and has dilated pupils, watch out. That hunter instinct has kicked in and if it’s about to pounce on you, it’s best to simply freeze for a second.

Thousands of years ago when humans began to grow their own crops, mice and rats began to become a problem in the storing of these foodstuffs.

The cat’s ability to kill rodents with ease and their apparent acceptance of humans meant that they were welcomed into people’s homes.

So cat hunting was admired, in fact cats which were prolific hunters became very valuable animals and their off spring could be bought and sold for large sums of money.

So in short…if your cat is often in attack mode…it is simply trying to help you out and show you how awesome they are!

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