Three Men Spring Into Action After Seeing Woman Struggling To Reach The Finish Line

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This is such an incredible video and story! 

During the recent Philadelphia Love Run half marathon, there was a random act of love and compassion…displaying what this race is all about!

Two men noticed a woman struggling to reach the finish line. The woman was clearly fatigued and her legs were giving out. One man stopped to help the woman by offering support…then…another man stopped running to do the same.

As the two men helped her along, she simply couldn’t make it any further. That is when a third man stopped running, turned around and picked the woman up…and ran her over the finish line!

How awesome is this! This is what America and humanity is all about! 

Check out the awesome video below!

TEAMWORK! When two men saw a woman struggling to make it to the finish line during a half-marathon, they selflessly stopped to help her. Then a third came and carried her towards the finish!

Posted by FOX 29 on Sunday, March 26, 2017


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