29 Most Toxic Places On Earth

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Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

Source: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/

Yanbu’ al Bahr is a rich industrial city and a bustling seaport on the Red Sea. It is a major petroleum shipping terminal and the home of oil refineries, a plastics facility, and several petrochemical plants. However, along with the industrial development, emissions from oil refineries and dust from the coastal desert land contribute to the poor quality of air in Yanbu. The air is filled pollutants, particulate matter, volatile compounds, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other airborne organic compounds. Sulfuric compounds have a very strong odor, and residents are concerned about the stench coming from industrial plants. Limited wind does not help to dispel the sulfuric gases emitted from chemical plants, and children are asked to stay indoors. The Royal Commission of Jubail and Yanbu (RCJY) continues to monitor the air and check that gases do not exceed recommended quantities.