17 Mugshots That Made People Internet Famous

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This Quantum of Bae

The Daily Beast

Political commentary can be a tricky subject to bring out in public, even in a lighthearted jest like a halloween costume. Just ask the guy who Sean Kory punched out for going as a Fox News reporter in 2014.
Kory was booked for assault, with his reasoning being that he “hated Fox News” enough to attack someone dressed as a reporter of the network. His mugshot soon became viral, as the green-eyed dread-locked man with high cheekbones and a rather intense gaze circulated the internet. Commenters referenced the 2008 bond film Quantum of Solace, when comparing Kory to another man whose mugshot went viral, Jeremy Meeks. Kory however didn’t break out into modelling or acting, and it seems he just really hated Fox News.