17 Mugshots That Made People Internet Famous

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This Dark Eyed Girl

Herald Online

Tattoos are an everyday thing, and having a lot of them in your mugshot isn’t usually a big deal — unless you’ve gotten inked in a weird or a different place. In the case of Morgan Joyce Varn, that was exactly what went down. Varn had seemingly tattooed her eyes. Not her eyelids. Not that little teardrop thing near her eyes that means she’s killed someone. No, Varn appeared to have inked the whites of her eyes to a deep and menacing black. Much like a shark. As per the University of Utah, getting an eye tattoo is a bad idea because there are so many things that can go wrong. Things can get infected, you can go blind, the ink used is the same as what is in the office copier, and so on. So naturally, seeing a fully tatted-out eye was real extra for a lot of people, and the internet freaked out over Varn’s photo.
This wasn’t the first time Varn’s image and likeness was put online by the police, however, the two years prior, she was the pregnant woman assisted by the York County deputies with the birth of her child. She didn’t have her eye ink yet at the time. However, her mugshot with the dead eyes was for when she was arrested and charged with kidnapping, armed robbery, and malicious damage to property. Under a plea agreement with the County, Varn had a three-year prison sentence suspended, with three years of probation for strong-armed robbery.