People Are Going Nuts Over Woman’s Genius Jean Folding Trick

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If you have ever worked in a retail clothing stores, like those sell Mavi’s boyfriend jeans for example, you have probably learned a few tricks in regards to folding jeans — but below, you will find the trick of all tricks!

But this three-step technique, shared on TikTok by user @alifestyleforall, is definitely new to us: The jeans are laid flat, front-side up. Taking one leg in each hand, she folds them upward to approximately the bottom of the pockets. She folds upwards once more, aligning the legs with the bottom of the waistband. Finally, she folds the jeans in half lengthwise so the back pocket of one side is facing up and that’s it!

@alifestyleforallGet ready to be mind blown 😘👖##spacesaver ##wrinklefree ##tips ##viral♬ Lottery – K Camp

This is so incredibly easy it’s pathetic! Where has this trick been all my life? They should really teach this in schools!

Check out some other unique and efficient ways to fold clothing below!

Folding socks and underwear can be a pain too, so here is a brilliant little trick to help you with that also!

You probably want to go to laundry now — so we will let you go!