Police Reward Man Who Filmed Himself Dumping A Refrigerator Off A Cliff With $50k Fine

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A Spain man, who thought he was being funny and sneaky by throwing a refrigerator off the side of a cliff, didn’t receive a laugh from police.

Police just happen to drive by as the man was unloading his unwanted refrigerator. After assessing the situation and taking a look down the ravine, the police found over 50 washing machines and 20 refrigerators at the bottom of the ravine.

Police were so impressed with the man and his lack of regard for the law and the land…they issued him a fine in the amount of $49,945.

Police furthered their investigation by confronting the company that the man worked for, acknowledging that more fines will be issued to the company and employees for illegal dumping.

All of the tossed appliances had to be recovered from the bottom of the ravine, at the companies expense of course.

#ÚLTIMAHORA| Así ha recogido el joven implicado el frigorífico que había lanzado por un monte en #Almeria.?Nuestros compañeros del Seprona de #GuardiaCivil le han acompañado.Buen trabajo compañeros??

Posted by AUGC Asociación Unificada de Guardias Civiles on Wednesday, July 31, 2019