Prefab Homes: What Makes Them The Better Alternative?

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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve found ourselves in this year, many of us started spending more time at home than ever before. This didn’t come as that big of a blow for introverts and those who wanted to be in the company of their loved ones more than usual, but while we protected ourselves from the outside, the question is – How safe are our own homes exactly?.

Many don’t take indoor air pollution seriously and often its effects go unnoticed, manifesting themselves in the form of headaches, fatigue, dizziness, eye and skin irritation, including respiratory problems and sore throats. On long-term exposure, there’s a higher risk of developing cancer. Some of the main sources of indoor pollution are poor ventilation, building materials high on VOCs and formaldehyde, and poor insulation.

But if you’ve got yourself a modular home you’ve got nothing of the sort to worry about. When constructing a house from scratch, picking a company that builds prefabricated homes NSW and Australia round is a great solution because they focus on the quality of the materials as much as on the design. In other words, they help you get a dream home that’s safe both for you and the environment.

How Are These Homes Better in Terms of Pollution?



Apart from applying sustainable, reusable and recyclable concepts in their designs, in the form of recycled and reused timber, and structural steel frames, they also incorporate zero-formaldehyde products that are low on pollution inside, such as low VOC paints, sealants and adhesives.

In addition, being aware of how indoor air quality affects the health of the inhabitants, modular homes Sydney based constructors implement systems that make for appropriate ventilation and insulation, like double-glazed windows and glass doors, fully welded structural steel frames, and wall, ceiling and floor insulated panels. These are helpful with moisture control and it’s worthy to consider it because moisture can turn into a serious issue resulting in the development of mould and mildew.

These two are the known culprits of asthma, symptoms of allergies, difficulty breathing, poor concentration, as well as bed bugs and pests. There’s also the danger of furniture and floor damage too, considering excessive moisture at home results in wood deformation, so besides fighting against health issues you’d find yourself spending on repairs. This itself is proof that with modular constructions you’d benefit your health and cut down on such risks and unwanted expenses.



Much of the new timber that’s used for the prefabricated homes NSW region and Australia based are sustainably sourced from sustainable plantation forests which aren’t to say about the construction of conventional homes. Moreover, as they’re produced in factories with controlled temperatures, the building process happens faster and in a precise manner so there’s less chance for materials to get damaged as it usually happens when building directly at the site.

When there are no chances for mistakes either, there’s less waste, as a result, considering each and every piece is pre-cut in the exact size needed which is at the benefit of the environment. Unlike builders working on-site who tend to overestimate the need for certain materials, with prefab homes builders get the exact amount – no more and no less.

Add to this the reduced transport to and from the site with vehicles and machinery, and you have less pollution in this aspect too. Not to mention, if you also care about noise pollution, you’d like the fact that these constructions arrive ready on the spot. So, all there’s left is to connect the modules which result in significantly less noise than in the case with the traditional alternative.

Thanks to this, such a building option is even great when you want to add some extension in your existing home in the form of another room. You won’t have to worry about upsetting your neighbours at any point during the installation.

And what are some other benefits besides less pollution?

Sustainable Life

Good thing of you to ask, because you’re in for a treat with the prefab homes Sydney and Australia wide companies offer if you care about making your lifestyle more sustainable. Besides the fact they’re fabricated sustainably, they’re going to inspire you to lead a more eco-conscious life as you can use solar power, harness wind power, and collect rainwater for potable use and greywater for toilets.

This means you can even try and live remotely if you feel like going off-grid. Furthermore, they implement WELS rated water fixtures like pull out spray mixer taps, and energy-efficient solutions in the design, as in the example with the auxiliary hydronic heating and cooling ceiling fans.


Many Design Options

Gone are the days when the modular homes were all looking the same, nowadays you get to decide on which colours and materials you want for the floors and walls, what kind of windows you like and where, so you get a say in the design. You can get your dream home based on the kind of lifestyle you lead and you can bet it’s going to be unique.

Affordable Housing Solution


Having in mind the prefabricated homes NSW wide are constructed under guidelines, codes and rules there are fewer chances for anything to go amiss and when there are no mistakes, that’s great news for you as there are no unexpected costs you should fear. Since they’re precisely constructed, they don’t take up that long to be ready either so you can expect to live in your new nest in much lesser time than normal – within weeks you’d be able to relocate!

As this translates to faster building times, again there are lesser costs for you, and you get to know the price straight from the start. Being made to be sustainable and inspire you to live in an eco-friendly manner means you’d have fewer costs in the long run too when living in such homes. In other words, you’d economise every step of the way!

Safety Guaranteed

When you’re waiting for your home to get finished on-site, there are many dangers around: thieves, wild animals, and the weather. This could all take its toll on the materials, and could prolong the building of the house – you wouldn’t want that to happen to your dream home, would you?!