Sourcing Your Tool Kit: 3 Tips

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Whether you are building a general tool kit or putting one together for a project you are about to begin, sourcing your tool kit is of primary importance. Bear in mind that every job is different because you will be working in different conditions with different materials and varying levels of skill. When you keep all of this in mind, you’ll see how important these three tips truly are when putting together that kit.

1. Your Choice of Sources Matters


In this day and age of the internet, anyone can go online and get products from literally any ‘bargain basement’ vendor, but are you getting the highest quality for a reasonable price? Although two tools may appear to be the same, the materials they are made from makes a huge difference. You know the difference between aluminium and forged steel, for example, so which do you believe would be the stronger of the two? It is always better to source your tools, adhesives, sealants, tapes, etc., from a trade store for this very reason. Quality always wins out over cost, but when you can get the highest quality tools for great prices, that is undoubtedly your best option.

2. Start with a List of All Materials and Jobs


There are a number of reasons why you might be putting together a tool kit. Perhaps you have a new job as a carpenter’s assistant and are required to have your own kit and then again, maybe you are about to embark on a home DIY renovation project. It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish when sourcing your tool kit. The first thing to do, in any case, is to make a detailed list of the materials you will be working with and the kinds of jobs you will be required to undertake. Not all hammers work as well for all nails and, of course, there are power tools and hand tools to choose between. Knowing which tool to buy is dependent upon knowing what materials such as steel or aluminium you will be working with. Once you have that list compiled, you can begin searching for tools. When in doubt, speak with customer care at the trade store you are buying from. They will direct you to the right tool for the job.

3. Frequency of Use Takes Precedence


When it comes to putting together a general tool kit, always consider just how frequently you will be using any one item. Items most regularly used at home, for example, would be screwdrivers, drills and hammers. You may also need measuring tapes, knives, levels and other pieces of equipment to keep on hand in your tool kit. If you are on a budget, get those tools first that you will be using most frequently and from there you can add to your kit as time and money permit. Also, for some of the bigger jobs, you might want to attempt there is equipment you can hire for a day.

Remember, sourcing a took kit largely depends on why you need those tools and what you will be trying to accomplish. Start with those lists and the rest should fall into place quite nicely. In the end, trade stores are your safest suppliers so when in doubt, talk to them.