Stop the Grinding! 5 Hacks to Help You Stop Grinding Your Teeth Immediately

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Are you concerned with your teeth grinding behavior and looking for ways to help you quit immediately? Well, you have come to the right place!

Teeth grinding, commonly referred to as bruxism, is a troubling habit. It often occurs when one is asleep (nocturnal bruxism) or subconsciously when one is awake (awake bruxism).

Bruxism is caused by various factors, including genetic and psychological issues, teeth misalignment, or the use of certain drugs. The condition can cause many problems, including sensitive teeth, aching jaw muscles, and sometimes morning headaches.

If you want to stop grinding teeth and keep your condition under control, here are a few tips that can help:

1. Use Mouthguards

You can rely on a mouth guard for teeth grinding control, especially at night. Mouthguards are protective tools that help cushion your teeth from rubbing against each other when you’re asleep.

There are many different types of mouthguards that you can choose to use. The cheapest options are sold over the counter. They are inexpensive and only a one-size-fits-all option, so they can’t fit or adjust perfectly to your dental formula’s configuration.

Other options like boil and bite mouthguards can offer better fitment. The best mouthguards to consider if you have chronic nocturnal bruxism are custom-made mouth protectors. These guards are designed by your dentist to fit perfectly over your teeth and offer optimal protection plus comfort.

2. Avoid Alcohol and Foods and Drinks with Caffeine


Fixing your diet can go a long way in helping you stop grinding your teeth. Try cutting out foods and drinks that contain too much caffeine like coke and energy drinks. Excessive consumption of these items will make it hard for you to relax when it’s time to sleep – contributing to your nocturnal bruxism.

Cutting down on alcohol may also help. Although alcohol makes you fall asleep fast, it’s not likely to make you have a sound sleep. And when you’re restless, teeth grinding increases!

3. Reduce Your Stress Levels

Stress makes you nervous and restless. These factors contribute massively to bruxism. Evaluate the things that are likely to be causing stress in your life and find ways to deal with them.

Try out stress-relieving activities like engaging in yoga or meditation. Practice healthy living and maintain a proper diet. Once your stress levels are down, you’ll realize your teeth grinding habit will fade away.

4. Stop Chewing Items That Aren’t Food


If you’re fond of chewing on items such as pens, papers, and other non-food items, stop it! This habit is often associated with anxiety and stress and can be directly linked to teeth grinding.

Find ways to quit the habit that will work for you. You can start by slowly switching to chewing gum or a healthy snack.

5. Seek Medical Help to Stop Grinding Your Teeth 

Your dentist can suggest various treatment methods to help stop your bruxism. One such procedure is reductive coronoplasty, which involves reshaping or leveling the biting surface of your teeth if crooked or misaligned teeth are the reason for your condition.

Therapies such as biofeedback, as well as jaw and muscle exercises can also help alleviate bruxism.

Teeth Grinding Is Stoppable!


There are many tricks that you can try to stop grinding teeth. Trying to control your condition early is crucial to avoid complications down the road. Consult your dentist if the condition persists!

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