The Fireball Hot Toddy Will Soothe Your Cold Symptoms And Give You A Little Buzz This Flu Season

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Forget cough syrup, there is a new remedy in town! It tastes better, works super well and the side effects are way better!

The Fireball Hot Toddy is simple to make and it will ease your cold and flu symptoms. Made with fireball, water, honey and lemon, it’s an ultra-soothing cocktail that’ll keep you free from flu and cold symptoms while enjoying a boozy treat. Oh…we forgot the delicious, warm caramel drizzled around the rim! 

We are in the thick of cold and flu season right now and where it’s only January, we still have a few months left. So this couldn’t come at a better time!

The Fireball Hot Toddy is almost like comfort food in liquid form. It’s warm, tasty and super easy to make!

All you have to do is boil some water, add fireball, honey and lemon into the water and stir until the honey is dissolved.

Not everyone enjoys the taste of Fireball, but even if you are not a fan, this little cold remedy tastes more like cinnamon than straight Fireball. Your doctor may not write you a prescription for the cocktail, but there are many health benefits to all the ingredients, even the booze!

The Fireball

We all know that too much booze can hurt your immune system, but just a nip can actually help you recover from colds. A warm Fireball Hot Toddy at the end of a long day of sneezing will help you sleep better and clear your sinuses.

Alcohol also dilates your blood vessels. This causes your body to produce more bacteria-fighting mucus, according to Dr. William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

The Hot Water

The hot water doesn’t just help blend all of the ingredients together and make it smooth going down. According to a study published in the Chest medical journal, hot water speeds up the flow of nasal mucus, helping you oust that excess snot quicker.

The Lemon

Citrus fruits have lots of vitamin C and antioxidants, and it’ll see you through the cold season. The acidic lemon juice in Fireball Hot Toddy also cuts through nose-clogging mucus, letting you finally breathe easy.

The Honey

Honey is known to coat a raw, cough-stricken throat with a viscous layer of delicious protection!

Here is the recipe!

Fireball Hot Toddy
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 1/4 cup warm caramel
  • 2 tsp honey
  • squeeze half a lemon and use the juice
  • 1/4 cup Fireball
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  1. Bring water to a boil and dip glasses in caramel. Add honey to each glass and squeeze lemon juice. Pour over fireball and boiling water and stir until honey is dissolved.

  2. Top with cinnamon stick and star anise….that’s it!