31 Of The Most Bizarre Trends Of The 50s And 60s

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It’s normal: every generation looks back on their own time with great fondness and rose-colored reminiscences. Take Boomers, for instance. Now anywhere in their late 50s to mid-70s, Boomers might gush about how the 1950s and 1960s, the years of their youth, were so much more stress-free, how families were (seemingly) so much closer-knit, cost of living was lower, music was purer, cars were classier, fashion was more fashionable, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. They recount, wistfully and with a touch of pride, of all that was good and golden; and, indeed, there was much to crow about—but what are they NOT telling us?
Here are some things about the 1950s and 1960s that will make you go, “Wait, what? SERIOUSLY?!? WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING?” Ok, maybe not quite as emphatic, but definitely enough to at least make an eyebrow shoot up or your jaw drop open, or both, if you are gifted with excellent muscle coordination.