50 Things in Your Home That Are Harmful

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St. John Chimney Sweeps

Without a doubt, a traditional chimney is by far the dirtiest corner in your home as it accumulates fire wood residue in the long-term. The substances that collect in time can pose some serious health hazards. If proper maintenance and cleaning is not taken seriously, it can have adverse effects to the health once exposed. As such, it forms creosote within your chimney every time you burn wood. The dark, tar-like substance can cause serious health problems such as skin and eye irritation if you are exposed to it. When ingested, it can irritate and damage your kidneys, lungs and liver. Likewise, long-term exposure to this substance has been linked to mental problems and cancer. Furthermore, all combustion creates carbon monoxide. If your chimney is blocked that substance can build up within your home and affect the health of your family.