This Anthropologist’s Viral Tweets On “Evolutionary Leftovers” Will Have You Inspecting Your Bodies Wondering What Our Ancestors Left Us

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Ah, the Science of Evolution – such an interesting topic, isn’t it? A theory by natural selection, detailed in Charles Darwin’s book ‘Origin of Species’ explains that us humans, actually originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately over 6 million years!

An evolutionary anthropologist in present day and age, Dorsa Amir could be the reincarnation of Charles Darwin himself with all her knowledge of physiology and psychology on contemporary humans.

Amir insightfully shares scientific details on her Twitter account, @DorsaAmir, that would blow your mind! Her latest posts are no exception as she discloses the term “evolutionary leftovers” to us explaining that some of our ancestors’ body parts still exist in our bodies, despite us having no use for them anymore.


“My interests and my research are all rooted in a deep curiosity about who we are as a species,” Dorsa told Bored Panda. “I think we are remarkable organisms for many reasons. One of the most interesting features of our story is that we are primates that evolved for millennia for a life of foraging, just living out in the wild, and incredibly in the last 10,000 years or so we’ve gone from that world to a world of supermarkets and spaceships. It’s stranger than science fiction. I’m tremendously lucky to have had the opportunity to turn this curiosity into a career, exploring who we are, where we came from, and how our rapidly changing environments and less-rapidly changing genes are functioning (or malfunctioning) in the present day. It’s the best job in the world.”

“For a trait to fully disappear, there usually needs to be active selection against it,” the anthropologist mentioned. “That is, having that trait should be harmful enough that it negatively affects your ability to survive and reproduce. If it doesn’t, then it just kind of tags along for the ride longer than it’s useful. And it sometimes even learns new tricks. Given that there doesn’t appear to be active selection against these traits, I don’t think they’re going away any time soon. For example, whether or not you have this extra muscle in your arm doesn’t seem to affect how successful you will be at surviving or reproducing, so it’s kind of just… still there.”


Because of these tweets going viral and generating so much attention, people have actually inspected their bodies more closely attempting to find any proof of our first ancestors.

Dorsa’s goal is to educate everybody in realizing that the Science of Evolution is not merely “a chapter in their biology textbook or a fossil they saw at a museum.” According to her, this is a deep and fundamental part of who we all are, that shaped us from the very beginning.

Check out these “evolutionary leftovers” below and tell us, do you still have a fragment visible from our very first ancestors?

Source: Screenshot from Twitter

Source: Screenshot from Twitter

Source: Screenshot from Twitter

Source: Screenshot from Twitter

Source: Screenshot from Twitter

Source: Screenshot from Twitter

Source: Screenshot from Twitter

Source: Screenshot from Twitter