This Lavender Lemonade Can Get Rid Of Your Headaches And Anxiety!

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Researchers in Florida have found that the lavender plant can actually help relieve anxiety and tension headaches or stress. The essential oils in the plant stabilizes your mood and have many properties such as:

  • anti-depressant
  • sedative
  • detoxifying
  • anti-fungal
  • anti-inflammatory
Lavender can also treat sinus headaches and hangovers (sign me up!) With summer here loud and proud, why not add some lavender to a classic summer drink? Lavender Lemonade is a great way to cool down and stay calm this summer.


-1 cup raw honey
-5 cups water
-1 Tbsp. dried, culinary lavender (or 1/4 cup fresh lavender blossoms, crushed)
-1 cup lemon juice


-Bring 2 1/2 cups water to boil in a medium pan
-Remove from heat and add honey, stirring to dissolve.
-Add the lavender to the honey water, cover, and let steep at least 20 minutes or up to several hours, to taste
-Strain mixture and discard lavender
-Pour infusion into a glass pitcher
-Add lemon juice and another 2 1/2 cups of cold water. Stir well.
-Refrigerate until ready to use

Do NOT ingest essential oils without the direction of a trained aromatherapist who actually has experience in aromatic medicine. If you want to make this tea, use real lavender!


via : Shared Food

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