This Young Man Ordered 100 Cheeseburgers From McDonald’s, What He Did Next Was Beautiful

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Homelessness is a major issue here in America and statistics show that nearly 600,000 people are homeless at any given time. There is a homeless population in nearly every town in America. Men, women and children, living on the streets, struggling to stay alive.

Youtuber itsLance210 decided to help out those who are less fortunate by bringing them food…and lots of it!

Lance ordered 100 McDoubles from McDonald’s and handed them out to the needy. Once Lance ran out of burgers he made a trip to the local Rite Aid and stocked up on bottled water and more food to give away.

It may not look like a lot and Lance certainly didn’t solve the homeless issue, but he did fill the stomachs and hearts of many with food and hope.  It is people like Lance who restore my faith in humanity in a world that seems to have gone mad.


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