30 Warning Signs That You Are Dealing With Someone Evil

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They Are Unreliable


Malicious people couldn’t care less about the things that are important in your life, making them very unreliable as well. Not only are they not there for you when you need them the most, but they also tend to flake on you over and over again, without any thoughts to your feelings. They will pretend to please you by making promises they can’t keep and taking on responsibilities they have no intention of accomplishing. They will appear to agree with your request, but they will procrastinate and take forever to complete the task. They won’t complain, but they will show their displeasure by not doing anything. They will not keep their commitments, and even if they do make some progress, they will rarely deliver on time unless they get something better in return. If you call them out for missing the deadline, they’ll get upset with you and would most likely drop the task altogether and leave you hanging do all the work yourself. If you have any people in your life that happen to be like this, then it’s time to seriously reevaluate that relationship and just call the entire thing quits.