Watching Pills Dissolve In High Definition And Close Up Is Super Satisfying To Watch

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Ben Ouaniche, a 27-year-old photographer from Tel Aviv, has come up with an eerily mesmerizing time lapse video of pills dissolving in water.

Shooting with macro photography, he was able to capture pain killers and vitamins seemingly vanishing before our eyes. It took him 10 hours, but the results are incredibly satisfying to see – like seeing a hidden world reveal itself.

“I love macro photography, timelapses and anything that combines creativity and complex technical tools to create unique frames that aren’t possible to be seen with the naked eye,” Ben told PetaPixel. “In this video I used macro lenses, moving timelapse controller and a variety of homemade tools to expose the beauty behind the process of dissolving pills.”

You can see more macro photography from Ben’s new YouTube channel, Macro Room.


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