{"id":54189,"date":"2019-09-18T04:57:45","date_gmt":"2019-09-18T08:57:45","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/?p=54189"},"modified":"2020-02-18T00:08:28","modified_gmt":"2020-02-18T05:08:28","slug":"signs-that-say-you-should-not-get-married-t2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/signs-that-say-you-should-not-get-married-t2\/","title":{"rendered":"30 Signs That Say You Should Not Get Married"},"content":{"rendered":"

Source: https:\/\/rosesweet.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

How do you know if you should really get married? What can make you say to yourself that you are finally ready to enter into a lifetime commitment with a person? A lot of things have changed over the years, marriages included, but it doesn\u2019t mean that it has become simpler. Marriage remains as complex as it was centuries ago. \u00a0And while circumstances may differ for each couple, the factors you consider when it comes to a person\u2019s readiness for this big step is more or less the same.<\/h6>\n
Are you confident in each other? Are you open to the idea of change? Are you stable enough, emotionally or financially? If there are signs that point to the contrary, then you might want to take a step back to fully assess yourself before tying the knot, as it will ultimately affect your relationship.<\/h6>\n
These are the top warning signs to be on the lookout for as they will most likely tell you that you should not get married. At least not yet.\u00a0<\/strong>

You\u2019re Always Fighting<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/rosesweet.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Arguments or fights are normal. It happens to everyone, and should not be taken as a sign of incompatibility. Couples may not always agree with each other and that is part of the relationship. But if you find yourself constantly getting into fights or embroiled in arguments for whatever reason that you feel it\u2019s almost non-stop and tiring, then getting married is not for you, at least not yet, as it can present more problems that you are not ready to handle in your present situation.

There\u2019s Physical Or Emotional Abuse<\/h2>\n

Source: http:\/\/dailytopici.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Respect is vital in a relationship and should be one of its pillars. Being in a relationship does not mean that it is okay to be subjected to any form of abuse, physical or emotional, as it violates a person\u2019s worth. Domestic violence is something that should not be tolerated, regardless of apologies or promises to change. If there is any form of abuse in a relationship, then marriage is definitely not the answer, as it can make things much worse.

You Love Your Freedom<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/mocah.org\/<\/p><\/div>\n

You might be one of those who likes their freedom so much that they are worried that things will drastically change \u2013 and it will, that it will come to a point where you cannot do the things that you want to do or go to places you want to go whenever you want without having to think of someone who might not approve. If you value this freedom more than the thought of spending more, if not all, of your time with a specific person long term, then it may be time to rethink what you really want.

You Keep Secrets Or Can\u2019t Trust Your Partner<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/www.irishexaminer.com\/r<\/p><\/div>\n

One of the most important foundations of a relationship is trust. If something has happened in the past that has affected your relationship in such a way that it has sowed doubts, then it needs to be talked about. You won\u2019t be spending every hour of the day together and if you feel you cannot trust your partner or there is always this nagging sense of something is amiss, or if you feel that you need to keep something from your partner, then there\u2019s definitely some trust issues that needs to be ironed out first before thinking of committing long term.

You Complain About The Same Things<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/amp.businessinsider.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Being in a relationship involves making change. It doesn\u2019t mean that you have to change who you are as a person, but if there are things that need to change in order to reach a compromise, then it has to happen. If you find yourself in a situation where you keep complaining about the same things (that\u2019s perfectly within reason), and you don\u2019t see any sign of progress, then maybe it\u2019s not yet time. The aversion to change will definitely be a big issue for both.

You Prefer Things Like It Is<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/www.canva.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

If you have a relationship that works with the current set up and is absolutely fine and contented with it, you might think there\u2019s no need to change things by going legal and official as it may just complicate things. You fear that things will change, and not necessarily for the better, and that the expectations that come along with a binding agreement will add pressure that will ensure that things between you and your partner do change.

You\u2019re Not A Fan Of Monogamy<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/www.wellandgood.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Being married normally means you get to spend the rest of your life with just one person, for the good times or the bad. There are cases where couples are open to their partners being involved with others while in a relationship, but this is by no means natural. If you can\u2019t see yourself being satisfied with just one person, then a high probability of infidelity is all but assured, dooming the marriage.

You Don’t Want Children<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/agirlinprogress.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

If the idea of having kids, or even one, does not appeal to you, then marriage might not be for you either. There will be cases where this scenario is agreed to by both parties, but things change and the circumstances along with it. It is normal not to have kids right away, but most people, if not all, who marry eventually want to raise a family and if one-half of the couple is not committed to that idea, then it wouldn\u2019t work out.

You\u2019re Married To Your Career<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/carlill-yates.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

If you\u2019re still at a point in your life where your sense of fulfillment and satisfaction is determined by the advances in your career, trying to establish yourself as \u201cself-made\u201d and see how far you can go, then getting married is not a good idea. There will be times when you will have to choose which one to prioritize, and if the thought of sacrificing some time with your partner for a career opportunity ever crosses your mind, then you\u2019re surely not in the marrying stage yet.

You’re Too Afraid To Open Up<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/www.bakersfieldfamilychurch.org\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Being in a relationship means being comfortable in letting the person you\u2019re with know who you really are. More so in a marriage, where you\u2019re expected to open up and if needed, \u201cbare your soul\u201d to your spouse. This is a level of commitment that demands everything that can affect the relationship to be laid out, that there should be no place for guessing who your partner is as a person. If you\u2019re afraid to let your true self be known to your partner, for whatever reason, then the time is not right.

You Enjoy Being Alone<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/cdn.lifehack.org\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Although man is a social being and seek out companions, there are many people who think that being alone is not exactly being lonely. If you are one of these not necessarily anti-social type of people who enjoys going solo, then marrying someone you will be with in every waking moment of your life will definitely not be constituted as the right move.

You Always Argue About Money<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/drhurd.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Money or finances is one of the top things that married couples often argue about, and if you\u2019re doing this already before you even get married, then what are the chances that it will escalate once your hearts, and your accounts, are joined together? If you can\u2019t handle a financial crisis by talking about it sensibly and working it out, then the additional pressure of marriage might not be something you\u2019re prepared to tackle at the moment.

You Are A Rebel<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/i.pinimg.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

If you\u2019re what you consider a rebel, or someone who doesn\u2019t like to do things just because it\u2019s the norm, and the idea of conforming to something is not your strong suit, then entering into a relationship, let alone a traditional marriage, might not be to your liking. Doing things differently is something that defines you and makes you happy, and being \u201cforced\u201d to do what is expected in a relationship might just suffocate you.

You Don\u2019t Want To Compromise<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/na.rdcpix.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Being able to compromise becomes even more important for married people as the decisions being made affects both persons. If you\u2019re not ready to adjust your lifestyle to accommodate someone, then you might just end up coming off as selfish even if that is not exactly who you are. If you feel you can\u2019t reach a neutral ground because of your needs, then the idea of a partnership should be put on hold.

Your Physical Relationship Is Deteriorating<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/tableforchange.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

While having sex does not determine or ensure happiness in a relationship, it\u2019s one of the best ways to demonstrate your passion and want for your partner. There may be people who don\u2019t engage in premarital sex, but if you\u2019re one of those that do, and you sense that it is not as good as it once was, then you need to find out why as it can be very difficult to reignite the passion once you\u2019re subjected to the stress and pressure that may come with marriages, especially when you have kids.

You\u2019re Just Doing The Next Step<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/ak4.picdn.net\/<\/p><\/div>\n

If you feel that marriage is just the next step to take after having been in a relationship for what you consider have been a significant amount of time already, then it would be best to reconsider that thought. You need to have a very specific reason in mind to take your relationship to the next level and not consider it as just a logical thing to do if you want to have a successful marriage.

You Are Not Happy<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/image.marriage.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Happiness may be a relative term and is so broad that you might think that it needs to be broken down further for you to consider it. But being happy is simply what it is. It\u2019s not necessarily selfishness if you think about your own happiness but it\u2019s very important that you are. You are right if you feel that the happiness of your partner is a priority, but you need to actually be happy in the process as well. If you\u2019re not, then you need to address the reason first as your marriage can be impacted negatively because of it.

You\u2019re Not Yet Sure About Your Partner<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/kavitapanyam.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

The length of a relationship does not always determine the outcome. If you have been with your partner for a significant amount of time already and yet you still feel unsure of tying the knot with him or her, don\u2019t feel pressured to do so. Although you know you\u2019re not rushing things given how long you\u2019ve been with each other, having that uncertainty is a sure sign that you should build more on your relationship and allow more time to erase lingering doubts.

You Love Yourself More Than Anyone<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/havingtime.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

If you think you love yourself more than you could ever love someone, including your partner, then it would be best to rethink your priorities first before committing yourself to someone. Loving oneself is fine and should be a good thing, but not to the point that you find yourself always putting your own happiness before anyone else\u2019s most of the time. If you think this is who you are, then a relationship, let alone getting married, might not be the thing for you.

You\u2019re At Different Levels Of Maturity<\/h2>\n

Source: http:\/\/2x2tv.tv\/<\/p><\/div>\n

If you feel that one of you is not taking the idea of getting married as seriously, then you should not go through with it just yet. You may not be at the same maturity level in other things, but when it comes to tying the knot, both of you needs to be equally committed and serious in making what is considered a very mature decision.

You Don\u2019t Care About Each Other\u2019s Life Goals<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/cdn.psychologytoday.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

You don\u2019t normally get to marry a person that you share the same life\u2019s goals with, but it pays to know what they are and what needs to be done in order to achieve them, as your happiness in the future may depend on it. A husband\u2019s goals is not necessarily more important than the wife\u2019s, so a compromise should be made. If you can\u2019t pull towards the same direction as a result of not agreeing or caring about each other\u2019s goals, then don\u2019t expect a fulfilling and argument-free relationship.

You Think Your Partner Is The Best You Can Have<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Loving someone because of who they are is what is should be all about but if you feel that you\u2019re only in a relationship with that someone because you think that person is only as good as you will ever get, then spare your partner further hurt and rethink your relationship. It would be terribly unfair knowing that someone has \u201csettled\u201d for you, as it is just like saying that the person has no choice.

You Like Being Independent<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/baptist-atlantic.ca\/<\/p><\/div>\n

Independence should not be taken for granted as it gives people the satisfaction of knowing that they can stand on their own feet, taking care and supporting themselves without answering to anyone. If you find this scenario a perfect one for you, then you might not be too entertained with the idea of marrying someone who can do things for you \u2013 things you want to do yourself, or worse, have a say in what you should do.

You Are Afraid<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/d1lger6vnu5u8d.cloudfront.net\/<\/p><\/div>\n

It\u2019s normal to be nervous about your wedding day, but it should be nervousness in a good way, not fear or dread. You should be excited to enter into this next phase of your relationship and not terrified. If the latter is what best describes you as the big day approaches, then do a gut check first and work on the areas that may you feel negatively about before pushing through with it.

You Have Big Dreams<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/img3.goodfon.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

If you have big dreams that you think you have a shot in making it come true, you might not want to get married yet unless you feel that your marriage is more important and will more than make up for it. But if you feel that you are holding out or sacrificing your dreams for the relationship, then you just might end up bitter and unhappy, aside from being unfulfilled thinking of what could have been.

You\u2019re Hoping Your Partner Will Change<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/imgix.bustle.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

A lot of things will definitely change if you do decide to get married. But your partner finally changing into someone you\u2019ve always wanted them to be or become the ideal person you have envisioned because of the ring you have placed on their finger, then you\u2019re setting yourself up for failure. A piece of jewelry and a document will not do anything to change a person\u2019s character.

Your Friends And Family Aren’t On His Side<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/www.professorshouse.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

If your close friends and family are not exactly enamored by your significant other for reasons that are not exactly trivial, then you might want to explore these reasons further. Loving your partner may have led you to turn a blind eye or ignore certain aspects of your relationship, but these are people who love you and have your best interest at heart so best hear them out before taking that big step.

You Don\u2019t Like The Family Of Your Partner<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/onlinemenclub.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

When you get married to your partner, you\u2019re essentially marrying into the family as well. You might love your partner, but if you don\u2019t like your partner\u2019s family, short of saying you hate them, then it may only cause hurt or unhappiness for both of you, especially your partner, when you get forced to become part of the family. Your relationship might still work, but forego the marriage for now.

You Don\u2019t Believe In Marriage<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/img.huffingtonpost.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

People have varying opinion about marriage. Some may think that it\u2019s the ultimate sign of commitment, the step that says they\u2019re all in, while others might think that it\u2019s just a piece of paper that shouldn\u2019t affect how they feel about each other or where their relationship should go. If you\u2019re one of the latter and think that it\u2019ll just complicate things by bringing a legal context to it \u2013 like when it comes to properties or assets, then it\u2019s likely that these thoughts might overpower your commitment to the relationship itself.

Your Wander Lust Is Too Strong<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/i.pinimg.com\/<\/p><\/div>\n

If you have a strong wander lust or dream about travelling the world and see where your feet will take you, then settling down might not be the best idea. Unless you\u2019re set for life financially and doesn\u2019t have real world problems, satisfying your desire to see the world will mean sacrificing responsibilities that comes with the relationship and if you\u2019re not there to fulfill them, then ask yourself what\u2019s the point.<\/h6>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

How do you know if you should really get married? What can make you say to yourself that you are finally ready to enter into a lifetime commitment with a person? A lot of things have changed over the years, marriages included, but it doesn\u2019t mean that it has become simpler. Marriage remains as complex as it was centuries ago. \u00a0And while circumstances may differ for each couple, the factors you consider when it comes to a person\u2019s readiness for this big step is more or less the same. Are you confident in each other? Are you open to the <\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":54190,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"wprm-recipe-roundup-name":"","wprm-recipe-roundup-description":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[29],"tags":[1041,1042,929,8666],"yst_prominent_words":[22967,22955,9049,9060,9500,22959,13246,9929,10225,9048,8833,22956,9897,22948,22945,8811,22969,9047,22963,22941],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/54189"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=54189"}],"version-history":[{"count":1,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/54189\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":54221,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/54189\/revisions\/54221"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/54190"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=54189"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=54189"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=54189"},{"taxonomy":"yst_prominent_words","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/yst_prominent_words?post=54189"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}