{"id":60576,"date":"2020-01-01T20:01:57","date_gmt":"2020-01-02T01:01:57","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/?p=60576"},"modified":"2020-02-17T22:22:48","modified_gmt":"2020-02-18T03:22:48","slug":"symptoms-of-anxiety-disorder-t2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/symptoms-of-anxiety-disorder-t2\/","title":{"rendered":"15 Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorder"},"content":{"rendered":"

Source: https:\/\/npwomenshealthcare.com<\/p><\/div>\n

Simply explained, anxiety is your body\u2019s usual emotional and very normal response to particular stimuli and stress. It\u2019s a feeling of fear, worry and apprehension to certain things that can be considered completely natural and typical. But when these feelings become incredibly extreme to the point that they affect your day to day life, as well as lasting longer than 6 months or more, then this could be a sign that you are actually suffering from an anxiety disorder.<\/h6>\n
Statistics show that not only are \u2018anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S.,\u2019 there are at least 40 million adults diagnosed with one every year. And although they are considered to be highly treatable, \u2018only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment.\u2019<\/h6>\n

In order to better understand what they are, here are different types of Anxiety Disorders:<\/strong><\/p>\n

1. Social Anxiety Disorder<\/h2>\n
Also known as Social Phobia, Social Anxiety Disorder, is \u2018when you feel overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations.\u2019 People with this type of disorder are also always worried about what others think about them, if people are judging them or having an irrational fear of being embarrassed or humiliated.<\/h6>\n

2. Panic Disorder<\/h2>\n

Panic Disorders are when a person feels panicked, alarmed, confused and fearful at any time or for any given reason, which at times can also be very unreasonable . They can be accompanied by palpitations, excessive sweating and at times chest pain, that can even make someone feel like they\u2019re having a heart attack.<\/h6>\n

3. Specific Phobias<\/h2>\n

Although having phobias, or a fear of something or of a certain situation, is completely normal, when they become intense, excessive or they go \u2018beyond what\u2019s appropriate,\u2019 it can be considered as an anxiety disorder.<\/h6>\n

4. Generalized Anxiety Disorder<\/h2>\n

A generalized anxiety disorder is when \u2018you feel excessive, unrealistic worry and tension with little or no reason.\u2019 Basically this is when one worries excessively over every little thing, the inability to relax or always feeling restless, and major indecisiveness, amongst others.<\/h6>\n


Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorder<\/h2>\n

Source: http:\/\/cosmouk.net<\/p><\/div>\n

While anxiety disorders can be crippling, they can also be managed with the proper care and treatment from a medical professional. Being able to recognize the disorder is one of the first steps to getting the help you need. Here are 15 Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder explained.<\/h6>\n
1. Feeling Overly Agitated<\/strong><\/h6>\n
Many times, the feeling of anxiety causes one to become overly agitated, which can be triggered by a number of reasons. A barrage of things can occur like feelings of frustration, being too quick to react to things and becoming quickly upset. All of these things can even lead to having sweaty palms, a racing pulse, dry mouth and shaky hands. When these types of feelings occur more often than normal, or if they are prolonged in nature, it would be best to seek out the proper medical advice to figure out how serious a condition it may be.<\/h6>\n


2. Excessive Worrying<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/www.healthline.com<\/p><\/div>\n

Probably one of the more common and noticeable symptoms for anxiety disorder is excessive worrying. While it\u2019s completely normal for people to feel some form of anxiousness, when it becomes excessive, severe, and plaguing to the point of not being able to think of anything else \u2013 especially when the amount of worrying is highly uncalled for in that particular situation \u2013 it could be due to more worrisome reasons like anxiety. If you notice that you or someone you love happens to be afflicted with this type of symptom, be sure to see a doctor right away.<\/h6>\n


3. Fatigue<\/h2>\n

Source: http:\/\/everydayfeminism.com<\/p><\/div>\n

Anxiety takes a major toll on the body, so fatigue as a symptom of anxiety disorder shouldn\u2019t be surprising, albeit it\u2019s not what many people would assume is associated with it. According to clinical psychologist Dr. Joshua Klapow, \u201cAnxiety drives our sympathetic nervous system into overdrive. It raises our heart rate, blood pressure, increases muscle tension, and releases toxins into our system that can cause inflammation. All of this can make you feel bad. We can feel fatigue and malaise strictly from being anxious.\u201d Of course just because one feels fatigue doesn\u2019t mean that they are suffering from anxiety disorder. But if they feel it along with other symptoms, it should always be checked out by a doctor to figure out if it is truly due to anxiety.<\/h6>\n


4. Feeling Restless<\/h2>\n

Source: http:\/\/www.addiction.org.uk<\/p><\/div>\n

The feeling of restlessness is commonly described as feeling \u201con edge,\u201d having that \u201cfight or flight emotion\u201d or having other feelings of \u201cnervous energy.\u201d It is also one symptom that is more noticeable in children and teenagers that have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder by a doctor. In fact, a study actually \u2018found that 78% reported restlessness as one of their main anxiety symptoms.\u2019 When there is a feeling of the inability to sit still, to flee from every situation and feel like you can\u2019t deal with your surroundings or what\u2019s going on, coupled with other signs, and it\u2019s something that has been going on for at least 6 months or more, best to see a doctor in order to properly diagnose what is causing it.<\/h6>\n


5. Inability To Concentrate<\/h2>\n

Source: http:\/\/www.natural-homeremedies.com<\/p><\/div>\n

Another sign of anxiety disorder is the inability to concentrate. This basically means that there is difficulty staying in focus, completing or even remaining on one task, or even finding it hard to remember what they were doing in the first place, causing a decrease in being able to accomplish simple tasks and affecting daily life. Another study showed that at least 90% of 175 adults tested for anxiety had difficulty concentrating, and \u2018the worse their anxiety was, the more trouble they had.\u2019 Of course this could also be a symptom for other medical conditions but this could also be one of the major signs of anxiety disorder.<\/h6>\n


6. Overly Irritable<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/www.recoveryranch.com<\/p><\/div>\n

More often than not, people suffering from anxiety disorders are those that tend to experience exorbitant irritability. This type of irritability is normally extreme, uncalled for and explosive. Some professionals even described it as \u201cDepression is anger turned inward,\u201d but when this same depression is turned outward, it comes out as overly irritable and irrational feelings against others that is mostly undeserved. It is also a heightened irritation over anything and everything, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant. Accompanied by other signs, it could mean that it is a symptom of anxiety disorder.<\/h6>\n


7. Sleep Disturbances<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/media.indiatimes.in<\/p><\/div>\n

Sleep disturbances can be classified in a number of ways. From difficulty falling asleep to difficulty waking up, or waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to sleep again, there are many examples of this. And for those suffering from anxiety disorder, having one type of sleeping disorder or abnormal sleep patterns affects one\u2019s emotional, mental and physical state, exacerbating an already complicated disorder. Although one study suggests that \u2018while insomnia and anxiety are strongly linked, it is unclear whether insomnia contributes to anxiety, if anxiety contributes to insomnia, or both.\u2019 But regardless of which is which, what is known is that they are highly connected. If you happen to be suffering from any type of sleep issue, be sure to get yourself checked out by a physician to help treat the issue immediately.<\/h6>\n


8. Tense Muscles<\/h2>\n

Source: http:\/\/www.fortmyerschirostudio.com<\/p><\/div>\n

People get tense muscles for a variety of reasons, but normally when it\u2019s stress or anxiety related, all the painful and tense muscles are accompanied by feelings of anxiety as well. This is because most anxiety comes with the entire \u2018fight or flight\u2019 feeling, making people react to negative feelings with their body and muscles tensing up. Sometimes, it\u2019s hard to distinguish that they are due to sensations of fear and anxiety, and people just assume that they are just a normal physical reaction. But when they are supplemented with other signs, tense muscles could very well be due to anxiety disorder.<\/h6>\n


9. Shortness Of Breath<\/h2>\n

Source: http:\/\/www.ocalalung.com<\/p><\/div>\n

Precisely because of the body\u2019s whole fight or flight response, when it feels like it\u2019s under attack or responding to an uncomfortable situation, another symptom of anxiety is having shortness of breath. Many times, it is also accompanied by your chest tightening and your breath quickening, all due to your lungs attempting to get more oxygen into your muscles in preparation to make a run for it. Since you aren\u2019t in actual danger, the entire experience is highly uncomfortable, worrisome and just add to a heightened sense of anxiety overall. If this happens often, be sure to see a specialist to find out if it\u2019s due to anxiety disorder.<\/h6>\n


10. Excessive Sweating<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/netdna-ssl.com<\/p><\/div>\n

The symptom of excessive sweating is another sign of anxiety since it is triggered once more by the body\u2019s natural reaction to \u2018fight or flight.\u2019 Simply explained, this ends up \u201csending a rush of energy hormones into your body that trigger an increase in heart rate and blood flow, among other things.\u201d Although this is very normal in certain situations, when it\u2019s due to anxiety disorder, not only is it entirely extreme, but it tends to happen at the most inopportune times, leaving a person feeling unbalanced, embarrassed and well, anxious.<\/h6>\n


11. Major Dry Mouth<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/www.consumerhealthdigest.com<\/p><\/div>\n

While major dry mouth should not be confused with thirst, it is another symptom of anxiety disorder. According to Dr. Stacey Silvers, \u201cAnxiety and stress wreak havoc on the body. There is an increased amount of stomach acid as a result of stress and anxiety,\u201d and because of this, it ends up causing major dry mouth. If you notice that you have had issues with dry mouth and don\u2019t particularly know why, best to seek out medical help to find out if it is actually stemming from anxiety disorder or something else completely.<\/h6>\n


12. Numbness Or Tingling<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/www.fightfibromyalgia.net<\/p><\/div>\n

Numbness or tingling can occur on any part of the body, whether it\u2019s in the face, leg, foot, tongue, mouth, toes, or really any body part, and for many different reasons as well. But when it is caused by anxiety disorder, more often than not, it occurs in the hands, arms, legs and feet. These signs can even be accompanied by the feeling of pins and needles and even burning skin sensations. If you have these symptoms alongside other signs of anxiety disorder, be sure to get in touch with a doctor to figure out if it\u2019s truly anxiety that\u2019s causing them, since the faster you get treatment, the quicker you can lessen any feelings of anxiety and unnecessary worry.<\/h6>\n


13. Uncomfortable With Social Situations<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/media.30seconds.com<\/p><\/div>\n

Many times, people suffering from anxiety disorder find it incredibly difficult and uncomfortable when they are in social situations. They are afraid of fitting in, of being judged or scrutinized by others, possibly humiliated, as well as feeling like they just don\u2019t belong. Unfortunately, this also causes them to shy away from the world and choose not to be in any type of social situations at all. This type of social anxiety is said to affect at least \u201812% of American adults at some point in their lives.\u2019 And what some people think of as snobbish or standoffish is actually just a person dealing with major anxiety, extremely low self-esteem and many times, deep depression.<\/h6>\n


14. Extreme And Irrational Fears<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/media.30seconds.com<\/p><\/div>\n

Phobias are normal in all people, regardless of age. For most children, it\u2019s a fear of open water, clowns and strangers. For older folks, it\u2019s normally a fear of heights, tiny spaces and bugs and insects. But when these fears become extreme and excessively irrational, it could actually be a sign of anxiety disorder. When these extreme fears hinder them from living normal lives where they are paralyzed by their phobias, chances that it\u2019s due to anxiety are quite high. If you happen to be dealing with phobias, especially those that seem superfluous in nature, be sure to discuss this with your doctor to see if it\u2019s actually anxiety disorder that happens to be the culprit.<\/h6>\n


15. Having Panic Attacks<\/h2>\n

Source: https:\/\/images.agoramedia.com<\/p><\/div>\n

Of course one particular telltale sign of anxiety disorder is when someone has an actual panic attack. This is explained as \u2018an intense, overwhelming sensation of fear that can be debilitating.\u2019 Generally, this is also supplemented by \u2018rapid heartbeat, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, chest tightness, nausea and fear of dying or losing control,\u2019 all highly extreme sensations that can completely overpower someone if they can\u2019t gain control of their emotions and feelings. Panic attacks, especially those that occur frequently, should never be ignored or unheeded as they can lead to much more serious conditions.<\/h6>\n


When To See A Doctor<\/h2>\n

Source: http:\/\/prod.static9.net.au<\/p><\/div>\n

Whether you or someone you know and love is suffering from one of these symptoms or more, anxiety disorder is a serious mental issue that should never be overlooked. Just a single sign should prompt a visit to the doctor to be able to pinpoint the exact reason behind it and to get properly diagnosed. Like any other health problem, the earlier you speak to a medical professional and get the correct identification of what exactly is ailing you, the quicker you can get the right treatment to be able to live a life that you not only deserve, but one that you will truly love.<\/h6>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Simply explained, anxiety is your body\u2019s usual emotional and very normal response to particular stimuli and stress. It\u2019s a feeling of fear, worry and apprehension to certain things that can be considered completely natural and typical. But when these feelings become incredibly extreme to the point that they affect your day to day life, as well as lasting longer than 6 months or more, then this could be a sign that you are actually suffering from an anxiety disorder. Statistics show that not only are \u2018anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S.,\u2019 there are at least <\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":60437,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"wprm-recipe-roundup-name":"","wprm-recipe-roundup-description":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[29],"tags":[1771,4727,483,929,7754],"yst_prominent_words":[15348,18440,18441,18454,18446,18445,18449,18455,18453,14902,17374,18450,18444,18452,8811,18448,18443,18447,18442,18451],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/60576"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=60576"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/60576\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/60437"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=60576"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=60576"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=60576"},{"taxonomy":"yst_prominent_words","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/yst_prominent_words?post=60576"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}