{"id":75731,"date":"2020-10-16T05:48:52","date_gmt":"2020-10-16T09:48:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/?p=75731"},"modified":"2020-10-21T07:35:44","modified_gmt":"2020-10-21T11:35:44","slug":"weird-things-people-do-in-the-us-no-one-understands-t2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/weird-things-people-do-in-the-us-no-one-understands-t2\/","title":{"rendered":"Weird Things People Do In The US No One Understands"},"content":{"rendered":"


The United States of America is one of the greatest and most influential nations in the world. It is home to the likes of Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Elvis Presley, Beyonce, Lady Gaga and the Kardashians to name a few. They produce worldwide Box Office movies like The Avengers: Endgame, Titanic, Star Wars, Jurassic World and so much more. Whatever Americans do, the whole world follows suit. That is why it is shocking to find out that there are still several things that are uniquely very American.<\/h6>\n
This list will give you a whole new look into the most unusual and weirdest facts about the land of the free and the home of the brave that is the United States Of America.<\/strong><\/h6>\n


Star Spangled Banner<\/h2>\n


The word patriot is synonymous to Americans. They are very proud of their country and especially their flag. The obsession with their flag is far beyond compare than any other country in the world. You can find them wearing their flag as a shirt, as a jacket, as a cap, or even as a makeup! You would not have any problem looking for a souvenir to bring back home because you can buy any item with the USA flag on it. Even on vacations to other countries, Americans wear the flag with pride, may it be printed on their luggage or worn as a bathing suit! If being too patriotic is unusual for others, find out how unique their government election is!<\/h6>\n


The Elephant And The Donkey In The Room<\/h2>\n


For a very patriotic nation such aa the USA, presidential elections are a very big deal. Like in other countries, they also have political parties, but instead of several parties and a few number of presidential candidates to choose from, Americans only consider 2 parties: Democratic and Republican. In general, their politics is very hard to explain. From their symbols of donkeys and elephants to their electoral college. Nevertheless, when you have the likes of Donald Trump as the president of one of the greatest nations in the world, you really do wonder what\u2019s going on with their politics. Politics too boring? Wait until you see how extreme they go with their food, drinks and server tips!<\/h6>\n


The Tipping Point<\/h2>\n


When eating out in the US one will notice how overly friendly their servers are. They will be at your service, your beck and call every minute you are in the restaurant. Do not be deceived though because their enthusiasm is not without anything in return. In the US, servers expect you to give tips of at least 20% of your total bill. When in other countries, they usually find it rude when you leave tips. Most wonder why Americans don\u2019t include service charge in their food when other countries do. Leaving a tip below what is expected makes things very awkward. Read on to find out why the 20% tip is all worth it.<\/h6>\n


Go Big Or Go Home<\/h2>\n


The US is the home of super-sized meals. The country where you can order a 54-inch pizza, a 50-pound Mount Olympus Burger, a 2-pound donut, a 62-foot pancake and a whole lot more other extreme menus. Everything in their restaurant is good to serve two people. No wonder 42% of Americans are considered obese. Super-sized meals are not the only things super-sized in their country, even their supermarket are going extreme with the likes of Target, Costco and Walmart, to name a few. When in the States, it is customary to always go big or else go home. Too much food on your plate? Find out how to quench your thirst American style.<\/h6>\n


Bottomless Drinks For Everyone<\/h2>\n


Have you ever felt like you wanted more of that Coca-Cola while enjoying your juicy burger and fries? Well then, head over to America and enjoy free refills in all of their restaurants and fast food chains. You will surely never go thirsty here. The cost of soda is very minimal especially when you buy in bulk. This drink-all-you-can lure of restaurants is also one of their strategy to make you order more food. You will definitely feel like you got your money\u2019s worth with all the free drinks your bladder can handle, or even much, much more! In reality, the \u201chouse\u201d always wins, and in this case, the restaurant. Have you had too much super-sized food and bottomless drinks already? Checkout the unusual way those large meals don\u2019t go to waste.<\/h6>\n


Doggy Bags Are Not For Dogs<\/h2>\n


For a country who loves super-sized meals and free refills on their drinks, it is no wonder that some customers will not be able to finish their order. In comes the \u201cdoggy bag\u201d where leftover food is placed to be brought home to be consumed later that day or the next day. The \u201cdoggy bag\u201d was coined into existence in the 1940s during the time of war and economic crisis, that pet owners are forced to bring home leftover food to save money. But our modern day \u201cdoggy bags\u201d are no longer for dogs, but for humans. This practice is so unique in the US that laws had to be passed in other countries to allow the use of \u201cdoggy bags\u201d to lessen food waste. Not one to go out?<\/h6>\n


Red Cup Party<\/h2>\n


The legal drinking age in the US is 21 years old, but that does not stop teenagers from purchasing a six pack. According to the CDC, 11% of alcohol consumed in the US are by people between the ages of 12 and 20 years old. Americans cannot visit bars without proper identification so they resort to hosting big house parties with their friends. To easily avoid authorities from assuming they are illegally consuming alcohol, they make use of big red cups. The color makes it hard to see what is inside. Leave it to the them to think of the best way to get away with underage drinking. If ever you get a hangover headache after one of these parties, read on to learn why there is no need to see a doctor to find out what drug is best for your ailment.<\/h6>\n


The Cure Is On TV<\/h2>\n


Pharmacies are very private companies. We really rarely know their names unless you work in the medical field. So what do pharmaceuticals do to boost sales and create revenue? They advertise their products! Commercials about a new drug are on TV all the time, blasting out all the benefits and side effects. Even prescription drugs are allowed to advertise in the US. Tourists have commented that Americans learn about their medicines through commercials instead of through their doctors. The next time you feel sick while in the States, you might see the cure on TV before you ask your doctor. Prescription drugs are not the only things they advertise, click on next to find out more.<\/h6>\n


The Miracle To Weight Loss Is Also On TV<\/h2>\n


Americans love their food, and when we say love their food, we mean they supersize all their meals. A large drink is not enough, in America you can order a drink bigger than large! Which is why obesity in America is so high compared to other countries. 70% of men and 62% of women in America are obese, while an average of 38% of men and 37% of women are obese in other countries. It is no wonder we see so many weight loss commercials and products advertised all over America where a significant number of them claims to have finally found the miracle solution.<\/h6>\n


Long Road Trips<\/h2>\n


The US landmass spans a little over 9 million square kilometers with a population of 328 million as of 2019. With all this vast space, travelling from New York to California takes around 44 hours non-stop driving which is nothing for locals since Americans love to drive. There is an actual reason why they do, it\u2019s because bus routes are minimal and train tracks are cut short because the government refuses to provided funding to improve public transport. So when visiting the US, get ready with your driver\u2019s license because it is better to rent a car than to take the train. Just don\u2019t get confused with the speed limit, their unit of measurement is one of a kind. Find out what it is!<\/h6>\n


Going The Extra Mile<\/h2>\n


Originated from Britain, the imperial system uses unit of measurements such as inch, pound and mile. The US is one of three countries that use the old imperial system while the rest of the world uses the modern metric system. Why have they not converted when all the world already did? According to research, it is simply expensive especially for manufacturing plants. During the Industrial Revolution, Americans have created machineries that operate using the Imperial System. Changing to the metric system now will cost a lot of money and waste a lot of time.<\/h6>\n


Money Matters<\/h2>\n


Their money is uncommon. They print their money on paper instead of plastic. They have the same size for every bill when others have different sizes depending on the amount. The most annoying of all is that US dollars have the same color for all their bills: green, with only the faces of dead presidents as clue to their worth. The most famous of all these former US presidents is Benjamin Franklin. His face is printed on their 100-dollar bill. Which is why Americans proudly and adoringly call this \u201cThe Benjamins.\u201d Even though their money can be quite boring, they burn most of it even before they have it. Read on to find out how.<\/h6>\n


Deep In Debt<\/h2>\n


Getting a college degree is one of the first, if not the greatest achievement you can easily be proud of early on in your life. To finally have your diploma after almost 20 years of studying is a great feat. In the US though, getting your college degree means you are getting yourself in debt as young as 18 years old. A student loan can cost up to an average of $32,000. In other countries, most universities are for free but in the States you can go into debt for the rest of your life. Filing for bankruptcy is not going to help. Click on to know which staple food college student, and most Americans, eat to keep their energy high and save on cash at the same time.<\/h6>\n


Sugar Is Sweet And So Is Bread<\/h2>\n


Americans love their bread. From pancakes and bagels in the morning, sandwich and subs for lunch, to cornbread and gravy for dinner. What\u2019s quite unique with this is that all their bread is sweet and sugar filled. Pancakes with maple syrup and sugar coated donuts are the most famous of all. This is why approximately 1 out of 10 Americans are diagnosed with diabetes and about 1 out of 3 are in the early stages. If you think too much sugar on bread is too much, find out what kind of treat they love putting on their bread that none of us really can wrap our heads around.<\/h6>\n


PB And J<\/h2>\n


The USA is known for having very sweet tasting bread but they sometimes take it to the next level by adding more sugar to it. Just like in their very unique choice of sandwich, the infamous peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Most of us cannot fully comprehend the appeal of combining jam to peanut butter and lathering them generously onto bread. Americans must know something we don\u2019t because their kids love finding a homemade peanut butter and jelly sandwich in their lunch pack. From college debt to sugary bread, check out what confusing sport Americans love to watch that just does not seem to make sense.<\/h6>\n


American Football, You Say?<\/h2>\n


American football is the 3rd most popular sports in the USA. They consist of very intimidating looking athletes who can easily tackle anyone. In the US, American football\u2019s estimated worth is around 16 billion dollars. It is also one of the most important sports in America especially in universities. What is quite off is that this great American sport is oddly called football when they do not even use a regular round ball, and barely uses their feet during the game. Americans are big fans of almost any popular sport, that\u2019s because they spend most of their days working for hours. It is just shocking how much time they spend at work. Find out next!<\/h6>\n


All Work. No Play.<\/h2>\n


Most of us work hard so we can party harder. We spend hours at work but are allowed to go on vacation for weeks or months at a time without fear of losing our job in the process. Most Americans work at least 50 hours a week, some even need 2 jobs just to survive. Last year alone it was said that 83% of the US workforce suffer from work-related stress. The USA is definitely the land of opportunity, but there is not much opportunity for a vacation. After a long day at work, they love to kick back and relax at home. Want to know what else they usually do at home that most of us don\u2019t? Just keep reading.<\/h6>\n


If The Shoe Fits, Wear It.<\/h2>\n


After at least 8 hours at work and a long time on commute, we cannot wait to kick off our heels and relax in the comforts of our own home, slumped on our couch with bare feet on the table. This is not the case for Americans, they almost always wear their shoes inside the house. When the rest of the world leave their shoes outside the front door, not just for hygienic purpose but to show respect to the home owner, Americans choose to wear theirs indoors. If that\u2019s not weird enough for you, check out how they heat water for coffee, tea or hot coco without a kettle or a coffee maker. You are in for a shock.<\/h6>\n


No Kettle? No Problem<\/h2>\n


The sound of a whistling kettle is such a beautiful sound to hear in the morning. It signals that coffee is coming, or tea is on its way. A hot beverage is always a good idea especially on cold days. Some say a hot chocolate makes them feel very at home and safe. There is nothing more homey than that whistling kettle. Unfortunately, you will rarely hear this in America. Americans heat their water in a cup by throwing them in a microwave. If they are without a coffee maker, a microwave is the second best thing to make a hot drink. Even with this unusual custom, they still love their coffee and they have a unique way of showing it. Go on to find out.<\/h6>\n


Large Coffee To Go<\/h2>\n


Coffee is the most popular drink in the world. More than 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed each year. Even with such popularity, coffee is still considered a luxurious commodity in some countries. The most expensive of all is Kopi Luwak, which can be sold for as much as $500 per pound. That is why most of us try to enjoy each cup comfortably with a book or a paper. Not in the US, Americans work 50-hours a week which means they rarely have time to really enjoy a cup of coffee. They prefer their coffee on a large cup, or venti, and to-go.<\/h6>\n


Ice, Ice, Baby.<\/h2>\n


Americans like to go extreme on almost anything: their food portions, their working hours, even their sugar levels. One thing that most tourists noticed also is the amount of ice they consume. People living outside the US prefer to have less ice as possible, this is because they want to get the most out of what they paid for. Not in America! The US is well known for their unlimited drink refills so having ice to brim is not waste at all for Americans. They can enjoy a brain freezing soda guilt free. How cold can you go? Definitely not 0 degrees. Checkout why the freezing point in the USA is 32 degrees instead of zero.<\/h6>\n


We Call Them Mister Fahrenheit<\/h2>\n


Freddy Mercury of Queen said in his song he\u2019s burning through the sky at 200 degrees. You can be relaxing in a sauna at 200 degrees Fahrenheit and definitely not burn. This is because the whole world uses Celsius instead of Fahrenheit. America is one of 7 countries who still uses this way of measuring temperature. Just like in food, Americans also want to super-size in their units of measurement. It is definitely much more acceptable to freeze at zero degrees instead of 32.<\/h6>\n


Fresh Eggs In The Fridge<\/h2>\n


According to recent studies, Americans consume around 95 million chicken eggs each year. Eggs can be consumed in different ways: hard boiled, soft boiled, fried, scrambled, over easy and a whole lot of other ways. In other countries, farm fresh eggs comes from the farm to the table. In the US, eggs go through rigorous cleaning. In the process, the egg\u2019s protective layer is removed. This is the reason why Americans keep eggs on the fridge to keep them from getting spoiled. Got rotten eggs? Why don\u2019t you go out and buy your dinner from any fast food chain without needing to get out of your car.<\/h6>\n




The only reason we plan to go to a restaurant is to enjoy a different kind of meal and to escape the confines of our home from time to time. Depending on what type of restaurant you plan to go to, there is a unique ambiance each establishment offers that make us a regular customer. It is a different story for a country where everything seems to be on the go, Americans love their drive-thru restaurants. They prefer quick service where they no longer need to leave their vehicle to order and get their meal. Drive-thru in America is fast food on steroids. If that\u2019s not enough, in the US, you don\u2019t need to fear if you get hungry at unusual hours. Check out why.<\/h6>\n


All Day Restaurants<\/h2>\n


The average time people have breakfast is around eight in the morning and have dinner by seven in the evening. Which is why most restaurants take your last order by 8:00pm for their 9 or 10:00pm closing time. This is not the case in the US. Americans love to eat anytime of the day. Restaurants and convenience stores are open 24\/7. 24-hour restaurants are such a norm in the US that the tourist-filled city of New York is famously known as the city that never sleeps. What if you don\u2019t need food at 3:00am? What if you need batteries or soap, where would you go? Move on to the next and be amazed where you can buy anything you need in one place.<\/h6>\n


Groceries In Pharmacies<\/h2>\n


Need some chips? Go to the pharmacy. In the USA, pharmacies don\u2019t exclusively sell prescription drugs, you can buy almost anything in their pharmacies. In other areas, drug stores are reserved for selling medicines. The reason for this is for the safety of these regulated goods. The most popular of all is CVS pharmacy. As of 2019 there are more than 9,000 CVS pharmacies all over the country. Did you know that you can buy makeup and laundry detergent in CVS? Some even carry fresh food, something you won\u2019t see in other countries.<\/h6>\n


Restroom Privacy Is Minimal<\/h2>\n


Visiting the restroom, comfort room, bathroom, lavatory, or any which name you want to call it, privacy is always highly recommended. Even in the comforts of your own home, it is quite out of the ordinary to have someone there with you. That is not the case in the States, especially in their public restrooms. Tourists have commented and easily noticed the big gaps in bathroom stalls where one can clearly see the person inside doing his or her business. Some say it\u2019s for better ventilation, while others claim it\u2019s to easily clean these public areas. Whatever the reason is, always watch out for wondering eyes when in the loo.<\/h6>\n


Talking To Strangers Is Highly Encouraged<\/h2>\n


As kids we were always reminded by our parents to never ever talk to strangers. It is the same in in the USA, but as the kids grew into adults, they are not one to shy away from making casual conversations with total strangers. Americans can start a conversation with almost anyone, anywhere, in buses, parks, restaurants, hotels. Some may find this strange or annoying, most find it to be quite nice. It usually starts with a smile which Americans freely give away to anyone, followed by their life story. Don\u2019t know how to start a conversation with an American? Continue on and know their very unique technique that works all the time.<\/h6>\n


\u201cHow Are You\u201d Is Not Rhetorical<\/h2>\n


While the whole world usually greet each other with a simple \u201cHi\u201d or \u201cHello\u201d, Americans would greet you with a \u201cHow are you?\u201d, and when they do, they expect an answer. That does not end there though, when you answer they would expect for you to ask them the same question: \u201cHow are you?\u201d This might be such a tedious way of greeting each other but this is very common. Americans love to chat even with strangers, so using this 3-word question as a greeting gives them a chance to start a conversation. Want to know how approachable and trusting they are? See the lengths they take just to show how much they trust each other.<\/h6>\n


Credit Cards For Free<\/h2>\n


Credit cards are a very convenient way of purchasing anything. Especially in emergency cases like not enough cash to pay for gasoline or medicines. This convenience does not come easy though, it is very hard to apply and get approved for a credit card. That is why people keep their card information very private. Credit card theft was recognized as the most common type of identity theft in 2019. Which is why it is a shock to how easily Americans hand over their credit cards to store personnel and be brought out of sight behind the cash register<\/h6>\n


Word War Z<\/h2>\n


As a child, we learn the alphabet by singing the alphabet song. Songs are actually the easiest way to remember any information. For a song to be memorable, words should rhyme. Which is why the American Charles Bradlee, writer of the alphabet song, made sure that the letter Z rhymes with \u201cA B C\u201d and \u201cme\u201d. And that is why Americans pronounce the letter Z as \u201czee\u201d, while everyone else pronounces it as \u201czed.\u201d The next time you sing the alphabet song, you can definitely pronounce letter Z whichever way you prefer.<\/h6>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

The United States of America is one of the greatest and most influential nations in the world. It is home to the likes of Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Elvis Presley, Beyonce, Lady Gaga and the Kardashians to name a few. They produce worldwide Box Office movies like The Avengers: Endgame, Titanic, Star Wars, Jurassic World and so much more. Whatever Americans do, the whole world follows suit. That is why it is shocking to find out that there are still several things that are uniquely very American. This list will give you a whole new look into the most unusual <\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":75557,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"wprm-recipe-roundup-name":"","wprm-recipe-roundup-description":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[6584,6597],"tags":[129,3972,159],"yst_prominent_words":[15527,25223,10947,10226,9928,9972,9230,9811,21032,9047,21031,9110],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/75731"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=75731"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/75731\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/75557"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=75731"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=75731"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=75731"},{"taxonomy":"yst_prominent_words","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/awesomejelly.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/yst_prominent_words?post=75731"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}