22 Photos That Will Give Every 90s Kid Serious Elementary School Flashbacks

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Hard to believe that the 1990’s were 3 decades ago!

Many of us had weird high school experiences…but it’s safe to say that many of us have had pretty awesome and memorable elementary school experiences during the 90s.

I grew up in the 90s and it was pretty freaking awesome! School was so different! Having my own teenager now, I can attest to how different it is…and how it seems so much more simple and fun back in the day. (Back in the day being the 90s).

So if you grew up in the 90s…here is a fun and awesome trip down memory lane!

1. Getting up to sharpen your pencil during class, most often times just to waste time and look cool!


2. Parachute day in gym class was always the best day ever!


3. Eating this tasty treat at lunchtime…with the little spoon of course!


4. Telling everyone that the blue part of the eraser can erase ink!


5. The original form of texting!


6. Freaking pizza day was something you looked forward to!


7. Feeling the excitement of watching this bad boy roll into the classroom!


8. Entering 55318008 into the calculator. If you don’t know what this is…try it…then flip your calculator upside down!

Texas Instruments

9. Dying of dysentery when playing Oregon Trail!


10. Getting super excited about receiving  your Scholastic book order!

The Retroist

11. Adding a few Trolls to the top of your pencils!

The Loop

12. This case…


13. Or this one…

Comedy Central UK

14. Making shadow puppets when the overhead projector was on!


15. Getting your sniff on with Mr. Scent scented markers!


16. Learning a little math with math blocks!


17. Learning and mastering the recorder!

18. Predicting you and your friend’s future by playing the game MASH!


19. Or by using the infamous origami fortune teller!


20. Covering your hands with glue and then peeling it all off!


21. The most dreaded, yet somewhat fun math sheet!


22. And finally…showing off on the monkey bars!

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