Alyssa Milano Gets Chewed Out Online After Trying To Raise Money For Son’s Baseball Team

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Famed actress Alyssa Milano took a little trip into ‘normalville’ and ended up getting destroyed online because of it.

Milano’s son’s baseball team is raising money for an upcoming Cooperstown trip and there has been a GoFundMe set up for this. Milano shared this on her social media platforms and asked people to help support the team…financially.

While this super normal behavior my most people — people are outraged that someone of Milano’s financial caliber would be asking for money. It’s a catch 22 however, because there is no harm in sharing such a fundraiser and it’s really not Milano’s responsibility to pay for the entire team and their expenses — even if she was a billionaire.

To me…I feel people just need to get a life. Who cares what she does…I mean…her TV dad was THE BOSS!