Crochet Nests Keep Hornets Away For Years

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Have a problem with hornets? Or maybe you just don’t like them flying around your personal space from time to time. Well, instead of using harmful chemicals to get rid of hornets, you can use this DIY hack to rid them for good!

Hornets don’t like flying around other hornets nests and hornets are rather smart creatures. So if a hornet sees what looks like another hornet families nest, they will steer clear! So with that said, if you want to get rid of hornets flying around the areas where you sit and enjoy the outside, they put up a nest! A fake nest of course!

Some people use paper bags to create fake hornets nests, but if you are really crafty (like Sandy, below), you can just crotchet your own nest and keep and it will last for years to come!

Hornets are in fact territorial and Sandy Dennis couldn’t be any more right on the money about that! Sandy posted her crocheted hornets next to Facebook and it has gained over 119k shares! And for good reason – it’s brilliant!

Hornets also have great memories. Many species of hornets can remember faces as well as troubled surroundings and positive surroundings.

So the next time you want to get rid of hornets…get out your crocheting needles!