What Is The Best Time To Go To Sleep And Wake Up

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It a perfect world we would all like to go to sleep at a normal time and wake up early, refreshed and ready to tackle the day. But sadly that is oftentimes very hard to do. Work, kids, life can take over and it’s hard for us to just hit the hay early and rise rested and ready for a productive day!

So what are the ideal times to go to sleep and to wake up? There are two important things to consider when it comes to sleep. The amount of sleep that you get and the consistency of time that you sleep.

The Best Sleeping Hours

In a perfect world you want to go to bed early and wake up early. In most cases, falling asleep after it turns dark outside will help you sleep easier and sleeping with the pattern of the sun is always a great idea as well.

There is a thing called circadian rhythm that is your brain’s natural sleep and wake schedule. Some people refer to this as their ‘internal clock’. Everyone gets tired and sleepy throughout the day with most people getting sleepy between 1-3 p.m. and 2-4 a.m.. The better sleep throughout the night, the least fatigued and tired you will be during the day.

How Much Sleep Do Humans Need

Age Recommended amount of sleep
0–3 months 14–17 hours total
4–12 months 12–16 hours total
1–2 years 11–14 hours total
3–5 years 10–13 hours total
9–12 years 9–12 hours total
13–18 years 8–10 hours total
18–60 years at least 7 hours per night
61–64 years 7–9 hours per night
65 years and older 7–8 hours per night

When you don’t sleep well, the body can begin to experience stressful signs and illness can occur. The body needs rest. Depression, obesity, heart disease and irritability are all issues that can arise from not getting enough sleep.

When To Sleep

By counting backward by seven hours, you can determine the optimal bedtime for your schedule based on when you have to wake up in the morning.

For instance, you ought to think about going to bed by 11 p.m. if you have to wake up by 6 a.m.

Establishing a consistent sleep routine that you can follow every night, including on the weekends, is also essential. It may be challenging for you to get back on track during the workweek if you regularly stay up late and sleep in on the weekends.