Abandoned Ship Explored After 30-Years And What’s Found Is Both Creepy And Amazing!

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The man who took all the photographs, Oliver Moazzez had heard about an arcade that was built inside the ship, but no one had ever seen it.

Well, the rumors were true.

I spent eight months trying to contact the owners of the place I could see the games in,” Moazzezi said. “I phoned the council, I phoned the Post Office (yeah I really did!) in the town and phoned everywhere, each time getting another clue in the puzzle that would lead me to the owners of this place that had the games in. I finally contacted the owners in January 2011 after going through the said local councils, local shops (you name it) and finally got in contact with a family member.”

This family member put me in contact with the owners and we started talking. Two things came out of that.

  1. The arcade machines were for sale

  2. I could go see them!

When the Duke of Lancaster became the ‘Fun Ship’, a full arcade was built inside the ship.

The coin-operated machines that once filled the ship with lights and sounds were left behind to collect dust, but Moazzezi was able to capture some creepy pictures of them.

The collection of arcade machines is absolutely wild! They are some of the most sought after original arcade machines on the planet.

Oliver Moazzez

Oliver Moazzez

Oliver Moazzez

Oliver Moazzez

Oliver Moazzez

Oliver Moazzez

Oliver Moazzez

Oliver Moazzez

Oliver Moazzez

All the machines ended up getting sold to video game collectors!

Oliver Moazzez