30 Things You Should Never Do In New York

Don’t Go To Central Park At Night

Source: https://static01.nyt.com/

Aside from the fact that it’s closed from 1 AM to 6 AM, it’s a really huge park, and it’s easy to get lost in it if you don’t know and can’t see where you’re going. Some of the things you may have heard about the iconic New York landmark are true. Central Park, with it’s deserted and secluded areas, has its history of chilling crimes. While all these happened in the past and crimes in the park have significantly dropped in number, it still is best to avoid going there when dark approaches. Besides, you won’t be able to see much anyway. At night, there are a lot of areas that aren’t well-lit, and you might accidentally step into a pothole while walking and running after dark. Dogs are also permitted to be off leash in the park after 9 PM, so expect to encounter and be surrounded by dogs late at night. If you want to avoid falling victim to potential crimes, accidents, or animal slobber, go during the daytime and be with fellow day walkers.