5 True and Interesting Facts To Start Your Day (Day #17)

Welcome to our new daily series of true and interesting facts that you probably don’t need to know, but should know!

Impress your friends, coworkers and family members with your absolute genius mind! These true and interesting facts can really get a conversation going! Get ready to see mind’s being blown, because we are about to drop some serious useless fact knowledge on you!

Bring on the nonsense!

Fact #1

Ravens that are living in captivity can learn to speak better than parrots.

Fact #2

84% of vegetarians and vegans return to eating meat.

Fact #3

The only letter that does not appear in any U.S. territory or state name is “Q”

Fact #4

Viking men actually wore makeup.

Fact #5

A single cough can shoot saliva droplets as far as 20 feet at speeds up to 50 mph.
