Taylor Swift Has Generated $331.5 Million In Equivalent Brand Value For The Chiefs and NFL

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Taylor Swift’s attendance at Chiefs games and her connection with Kelce has created $331.5 million in equivalent brand value for the Chiefs and the NFL.

Swift is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to generating revenue for herself and anyone around her.

Since Swift started dating Chief’s tight end Travis Kelce she has attended many of his games and just by Swift being in attendance, she has not only brought a slew of new fans to the NFL but she has made the NFL a ton of money!

By Swift being tied to the Chiefs or the NFL across TV, radio, newsprint, digital news, and social media, a dollar figure has been placed on those media appearances and it’s a whopping $331.5 million. Imagine having that much power in life.

In addition to Swift helping out the Chief’s and the NFL, it’s now said that if she was to endorse a Presidential candidate, she could single handedly sway the election in the favor of her favorite candidate.