How To Widen Your Blog Audience

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If you’re a keen blogger, then it’s more than likely you want as many people as possible to find and read your blogs. This can be quite difficult at first, and then it’s very easy to fall into the rut of having the same audience without being able to expand your reach to include and engage with newer readers.

However, by adapting and tweaking a few easy processes, you may quickly find that you’re reaching more and more interested parties that want to engage with both you and your other readers. 

Ensure Your Website Is Accessible To As Many People As Possible

The first step is to make sure that you’re including everyone who’s within your reach and interested in the topics that you choose to blog about. To ensure no one is left out, you need to make changes so that your website is accessible to everyone. This means that you need to provide access to users who, for whatever reason, are not able to use a computer or interact with a website the same way as others. 

This may seem a bit daunting to someone who has a limited knowledge of websites or how to create them. However, there are specialist sites that will help you find an ADA compliance widget to ensure that your website is entirely usable and accessible to all who happen to want to get involved and read about what you have to say. These sites will contain details about how easy they are to implement and those that have free trials so you can see which one is the best fit for your blog. 

Getting this up and running means your blog can have screen reader support, keyboard navigation, and audio descriptions of images – which can open up whole new audiences for you, especially if others in your niche have not made the same changes.

Post snippets on multiple social media platforms

Once you have made your website accessible to everyone, you can really start concentrating on reaching more and more people who are interested. It’s almost certain that you’ve already invested in some SEO for more organic traffic. However, there are other methods of reaching people that you may not have thought of. 

For instance, you could place snippets of your blogs on social media sites and then link to your website and the full version of your blog. You could find that means you manage to engage with new audiences that, once they’ve clicked through to your blog, then choose to follow you and even interact with you by leaving comments, asking questions, or signing up for your newsletter if you have one. 

Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from doing this across multiple social media platforms to expand your reach further—even if you’re using the same snippets, as it’s common knowledge that different demographics look at and use different social media platforms.

To sum it all up

If you want to expand your blog’s readership, you need to ensure you reach those who are overlooked, albeit unconsciously, by other bloggers because their blog is not ADA-compliant. You can also reach out across the various social media platforms and post bitesize pieces of your work as tasters for others to read so that those who are interested can read your bio to find out more. These tactics are easily implementable with the right help and boost your readership significantly.